
209 lines
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#pragma once
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "nvs_flash.h"
#include "esp_netif.h"
#include "esp_event.h"
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include "esp_timer.h"
#include "esp_ota_ops.h"
#include "zh_ds18b20.h"
#include "zh_dht.h"
#include "zh_config.h"
#include "zh_espnow.h"
#define zh_send_message(a, b, c) zh_espnow_send(a, b, c)
#include "zh_network.h"
#define zh_send_message(a, b, c) zh_network_send(a, b, c)
#define get_app_description() esp_ota_get_app_description()
#define get_app_description() esp_app_get_description()
#define ZH_SWITCH_KEEP_ALIVE_MESSAGE_FREQUENCY 10 // Frequency of sending a switch keep alive message to the gateway (in seconds).
#define ZH_SWITCH_ATTRIBUTES_MESSAGE_FREQUENCY 60 // Frequency of sending a switch attributes message to the gateway (in seconds).
#define ZH_SENSOR_STATUS_MESSAGE_FREQUENCY 60 // Frequency of sending a sensor status message to the gateway (in seconds).
#define ZH_SENSOR_ATTRIBUTES_MESSAGE_FREQUENCY 60 // Frequency of sending a sensor attributes message to the gateway (in seconds).
#define ZH_GPIO_TASK_PRIORITY 3 // Prioritize the task of GPIO processing.
#define ZH_GPIO_STACK_SIZE 2048 // The stack size of the task of GPIO processing.
#define ZH_MESSAGE_TASK_PRIORITY 2 // Prioritize the task of sending messages to the gateway.
#define ZH_MESSAGE_STACK_SIZE 2048 // The stack size of the task of sending messages to the gateway.
typedef struct // Structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
struct // Storage structure of switch hardware configuration data.
uint8_t relay_pin; // Relay GPIO number.
bool relay_on_level; // Relay ON level. @note HIGH (true) / LOW (false).
uint8_t led_pin; // Led GPIO number (if present).
bool led_on_level; // Led ON level (if present). @note HIGH (true) / LOW (false).
uint8_t int_button_pin; // Internal button GPIO number (if present).
bool int_button_on_level; // Internal button trigger level (if present). @note HIGH (true) / LOW (false).
uint8_t ext_button_pin; // External button GPIO number (if present).
bool ext_button_on_level; // External button trigger level (if present). @note HIGH (true) / LOW (false).
uint8_t sensor_pin; // Sensor GPIO number (if present).
ha_sensor_type_t sensor_type; // Sensor types (if present). @note Used to identify the sensor type by ESP-NOW gateway and send the appropriate sensor status messages to MQTT.
} hardware_config;
struct // Storage structure of switch status data.
ha_on_off_type_t status; // Status of the zh_espnow_switch. @note Example - ON / OFF. @attention Must be same with set on switch_config_message structure.
} status;
volatile bool gpio_processing; // GPIO processing flag. @note Used to prevent a repeated interrupt from triggering during GPIO processing.
volatile bool gateway_is_available; // Gateway availability status flag. @note Used to control the tasks when the gateway connection is established / lost.
volatile bool is_first_connection; // First connection status flag. @note Used to control the tasks when the gateway connection is established / lost.
uint8_t gateway_mac[6]; // Gateway MAC address.
TaskHandle_t switch_attributes_message_task; // Unique task handle for zh_send_switsh_attributes_message_task().
TaskHandle_t switch_keep_alive_message_task; // Unique task handle for zh_send_switch_keep_alive_message_task().
TaskHandle_t sensor_attributes_message_task; // Unique task handle for zh_send_sensor_attributes_message_task().
TaskHandle_t sensor_status_message_task; // Unique task handle for zh_send_sensor_status_message_task().
SemaphoreHandle_t button_pushing_semaphore; // Unique semaphore handle for GPIO processing tasks.
const esp_partition_t *update_partition; // Next update partition.
esp_ota_handle_t update_handle; // Unique OTA handle.
uint16_t ota_message_part_number; // The sequence number of the firmware upgrade part. @note Used to verify that all parts have been received.
} switch_config_t;
* @brief Function for loading the switch hardware configuration from NVS memory.
* @param[out] switch_config Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_load_config(switch_config_t *switch_config);
* @brief Function for saving the switch hardware configuration to NVS memory.
* @param[in] switch_config Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_save_config(const switch_config_t *switch_config);
* @brief Function for loading the switch status from NVS memory.
* @param[out] switch_config Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_load_status(switch_config_t *switch_config);
* @brief Function for saving the switch status to NVS memory.
* @param[out] switch_config Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_save_status(const switch_config_t *switch_config);
* @brief Function for GPIO and sensor initialization.
* @param[in,out] switch_config Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_gpio_init(switch_config_t *switch_config);
* @brief Function for changing the relay and led status.
* @param[in,out] switch_config Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_gpio_set_level(switch_config_t *switch_config);
* @brief Function for button pushing interrupt.
* @param[in,out] arg Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_gpio_isr_handler(void *arg);
* @brief Task for button pushing processing.
* @param[in,out] pvParameter Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_gpio_processing_task(void *pvParameter);
* @brief Task for prepare the switch attributes message and sending it to the gateway.
* @param[in,out] pvParameter Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_send_switch_attributes_message_task(void *pvParameter);
* @brief Function for prepare the switch configuration message and sending it to the gateway.
* @param[in] switch_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_send_switch_config_message(const switch_config_t *switch_config);
* @brief Function for prepare the switch hardware configuration message and sending it to the gateway.
* @param[in] switch_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_send_switch_hardware_config_message(const switch_config_t *switch_config);
* @brief Task for prepare the switch keep alive message and sending it to the gateway.
* @param[in] pvParameter Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_send_switch_keep_alive_message_task(void *pvParameter);
* @brief Function for prepare the switch status message and sending it to the gateway.
* @param[in] switch_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_send_switch_status_message(const switch_config_t *switch_config);
* @brief Function for prepare the sensor configuration message and sending it to the gateway.
* @param[in] switch_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_send_sensor_config_message(const switch_config_t *switch_config);
* @brief Task for prepare the sensor attributes message and sending it to the gateway.
* @param[in] pvParameter Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_send_sensor_attributes_message_task(void *pvParameter);
* @brief Task for prepare the sensor status message and sending it to the gateway.
* @param[in] pvParameter Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_send_sensor_status_message_task(void *pvParameter);
* @brief Function for ESP-NOW event processing.
* @param[in,out] arg Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_espnow_event_handler(void *arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void *event_data);