Alexey Zholtikov 52a2cac8a8 Version 1.0.5
Added support some sensors.
Fixed bug with WiFi initial configuration.
Updated sensor hardware config message processing.
Added led hardware config message processing.
Updated components.
Minor main code refactoring.
2024-06-26 09:08:51 +03:00

377 lines
19 KiB
Executable File

#pragma once
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "nvs_flash.h"
#include "esp_netif.h"
#include "esp_event.h"
#include "esp_err.h"
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include "esp_eth.h"
#include "esp_timer.h"
#include "esp_sntp.h"
#include "esp_app_format.h"
#include "esp_ota_ops.h"
#include "esp_http_client.h"
#include "esp_mac.h"
#include "mqtt_client.h"
#include "zh_json.h"
#include "zh_vector.h"
#include "zh_config.h"
#include "zh_espnow.h"
#define zh_send_message(a, b, c) zh_espnow_send(a, b, c)
#include "zh_network.h"
#define zh_send_message(a, b, c) zh_network_send(a, b, c)
#define ZH_LAN_MODULE_TYPE(x) esp_eth_phy_new_rtl8201(x) // For LILYGO T-ETH-Lite ESP32.
// #define ZH_LAN_MODULE_TYPE(x) esp_eth_phy_new_lan87xx(x) // For Wireless-Tag WT32-ETH01.
// #define ZH_LAN_MODULE_POWER_PIN GPIO_NUM_16 // For Wireless-Tag WT32-ETH01.
#define ZH_WIFI_MAXIMUM_RETRY 5 // Maximum number of unsuccessful WiFi connection attempts.
#define ZH_WIFI_RECONNECT_TIME 5 // Waiting time (in seconds) between attempts to reconnect to WiFi (if number of attempts of unsuccessful connections is exceeded).
#define MAC_STR "%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X"
#define ZH_MESSAGE_TASK_PRIORITY 2 // Prioritize the task of sending messages to the MQTT.
#define ZH_MESSAGE_STACK_SIZE 3072 // The stack size of the task of sending messages to the MQTT.
#define ZH_SNTP_TASK_PRIORITY 2 // Prioritize the task to get the current time.
#define ZH_SNTP_STACK_SIZE 2048 // The stack size of the task to get the current time.
#define ZH_CHECK_TASK_PRIORITY 2 // Prioritize the task to checking device availability.
#define ZH_CHECK_STACK_SIZE 2048 // The stack size of the task to checking device availability.
#define ZH_OTA_TASK_PRIORITY 3 // Prioritize the task of OTA updates.
#define ZH_OTA_STACK_SIZE 8192 // The stack size of the task of OTA updates.
#define ZH_MAX_GPIO_NUMBERS 48 // Maximum number of GPIOs on ESP modules.
typedef struct // Structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
struct // Storage structure of gateway configuration data.
bool is_lan_mode; // Ethernet work mode flag.
char ssid_name[32]; // WiFi SSID name.
char ssid_password[64]; // WiFi password.
char mqtt_broker_url[64]; // MQTT broker url.
char mqtt_topic_prefix[32]; // MQTT topic prefix.
char ntp_server_url[64]; // NTP server url.
char ntp_time_zone[10]; // NTP time zone.
char firmware_upgrade_url[64]; // Firmware upgrade url.
} software_config;
uint8_t self_mac[6]; // Gateway MAC address. @note Depends at WiFi operation mode.
bool sntp_is_enable; // SNTP client operation status flag. @note Used to control the SNTP functions when the network connection is established / lost.
bool mqtt_is_enable; // MQTT client operation status flag. @note Used to control the MQTT functions when the network connection is established / lost.
bool mqtt_is_connected; // MQTT broker connection status flag. @note Used to control the gateway system tasks when the MQTT connection is established / lost.
esp_timer_handle_t wifi_reconnect_timer; // Unique WiFi reconnection timer handle. @note Used when the number of attempts of unsuccessful connections is exceeded.
uint8_t wifi_reconnect_retry_num; // System counter for the number of unsuccessful WiFi connection attempts.
esp_mqtt_client_handle_t mqtt_client; // Unique MQTT client handle.
TaskHandle_t gateway_attributes_message_task; // Unique task handle for zh_gateway_send_mqtt_json_attributes_message_task().
TaskHandle_t gateway_keep_alive_message_task; // Unique task handle for zh_gateway_send_mqtt_json_keep_alive_message_task().
TaskHandle_t gateway_current_time_task; // Unique task handle for zh_send_espnow_current_time_task().
TaskHandle_t device_availability_check_task; // Unique task handle for zh_device_availability_check_task().
struct // Structure for initial transfer system data to the node update task.
zh_device_type_t device_type; // ESP-NOW device type.
char app_name[32]; // Firmware application name.
char app_version[32]; // Firmware application version.
uint8_t mac_addr[6]; // ESP-NOW node MAC address.
} espnow_ota_data;
SemaphoreHandle_t espnow_ota_data_semaphore; // Semaphore for control the acknowledgement of successful receipt of an update package from a node.
SemaphoreHandle_t self_ota_in_progress_mutex; // Mutex blocking the second run of the gateway update task.
SemaphoreHandle_t espnow_ota_in_progress_mutex; // Mutex blocking the second run of the node update task.
SemaphoreHandle_t device_check_in_progress_mutex; // Mutex blocking the second access to the vector for struct for storing data about available nodes.
zh_vector_t available_device_vector; // Vector for struct for storing data about available nodes.
} gateway_config_t;
typedef struct // Struct for storing data about available nodes.
zh_device_type_t device_type; // ESP-NOW device type.
uint8_t mac_addr[6]; // ESP-NOW node MAC address.
uint8_t frequency; // Keep alive message frequency.
uint64_t time; // Last keep alive message time.
} available_device_t;
extern const uint8_t server_certificate_pem_start[] asm("_binary_certificate_pem_start");
extern const uint8_t server_certificate_pem_end[] asm("_binary_certificate_pem_end");
* @brief Function for loading the gateway configuration from NVS memory.
* @param[out] switch_config Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_load_config(gateway_config_t *gateway_config);
* @brief Function for saving the gateway configuration to NVS memory.
* @param[in] switch_config Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_save_config(const gateway_config_t *gateway_config);
* @brief Function for LAN event processing.
* @param[in,out] arg Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_eth_event_handler(void *arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void *event_data);
* @brief Function for WiFi event processing.
* @param[in,out] arg Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_wifi_event_handler(void *arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void *event_data);
* @brief Function for ESP-NOW event processing
* @param[in,out] arg Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_espnow_event_handler(void *arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void *event_data);
* @brief Function for MQTT event processing.
* @param[in,out] arg Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_mqtt_event_handler(void *arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void *event_data);
* @brief Task of updating the gateway firmware.
* @param[in,out] pvParameter Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_self_ota_update_task(void *pvParameter);
* @brief Task of updating the esp-now node firmware.
* @param[in,out] pvParameter Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_espnow_ota_update_task(void *pvParameter);
* @brief The task for getting the current time from the internet and sending it to the all esp-now nodes.
* @note To Do.
* @param[in,out] pvParameter Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_send_espnow_current_time_task(void *pvParameter);
* @brief The task of checking device availability and sending a message to the MQTT broker in case of unavailability.
* @param[in,out] pvParameter Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_device_availability_check_task(void *pvParameter);
* @brief Function for checking the correctness of the GPIO number value.
* @param gpio Value for check.
* @return GPIO number value or 0xFF if error
uint8_t zh_gpio_number_check(const int gpio);
* @brief Function for checking the correctness of the bool variable value.
* @param value Value for check.
* @return Bool value
bool zh_bool_value_check(const int value);
* @brief Function for checking the correctness of the sensor type value.
* @param type Value for check.
* @return Sensor type value or 0 if error
uint8_t zh_sensor_type_check(const int type);
* @brief Function for checking the correctness of the led type value.
* @param type Value for check.
* @return Led type value or 0 if error
uint8_t zh_led_type_check(const int type);
* @brief Function for checking the correctness of the uint16_t variable value.
* @param value Value for check.
* @return Uint16_t value or 60 if error
uint16_t zh_uint16_value_check(const int value);
* @brief Task for prepare the attributes message from a gateway and transfer it to the processing function zh_espnow_send_mqtt_json_attributes_message().
* @param[in] pvParameter Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_gateway_send_mqtt_json_attributes_message_task(void *pvParameter);
* @brief Function for prepare the configuration message from a gateway and transfer it to the processing function zh_espnow_binary_sensor_send_mqtt_json_config_message().
* @param[in] gateway_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_gateway_send_mqtt_json_config_message(const gateway_config_t *gateway_config);
* @brief Task for prepare the keep alive message from a gateway, transfer it to the processing function zh_espnow_send_mqtt_json_keep_alive_message() and sending to all esp-now nodes.
* @param[in] gateway_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_gateway_send_mqtt_json_keep_alive_message_task(void *pvParameter);
* @brief Function for converting to JSON and sending to the MQTT broker the attributes message received from a esp-now node.
* @param[in,out] device_data Pointer to structure for data exchange between ESP-NOW devices.
* @param[in] device_mac Pointer to ESP-NOW node MAC address.
* @param[in] gateway_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_espnow_send_mqtt_json_attributes_message(zh_espnow_data_t *device_data, const uint8_t *device_mac, const gateway_config_t *gateway_config);
* @brief Function for converting to JSON and sending to the MQTT broker the keep alive message received from a esp-now node.
* @param[in] device_data Pointer to structure for data exchange between ESP-NOW devices.
* @param[in] device_mac Pointer to ESP-NOW node MAC address.
* @param[in] gateway_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_espnow_send_mqtt_json_keep_alive_message(const zh_espnow_data_t *device_data, const uint8_t *device_mac, const gateway_config_t *gateway_config);
* @brief Function for converting to JSON and sending to the MQTT broker the configuration message received from a zh_espnow_switch node.
* @param[in] device_data Pointer to structure for data exchange between ESP-NOW devices.
* @param[in] device_mac Pointer to ESP-NOW node MAC address.
* @param[in] gateway_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_espnow_switch_send_mqtt_json_config_message(const zh_espnow_data_t *device_data, const uint8_t *device_mac, const gateway_config_t *gateway_config);
* @brief Function for converting to JSON and sending to the MQTT broker the hardware configuration message received from a zh_espnow_switch node.
* @param[in] device_data Pointer to structure for data exchange between ESP-NOW devices.
* @param[in] device_mac Pointer to ESP-NOW node MAC address.
* @param[in] gateway_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_espnow_switch_send_mqtt_json_hardware_config_message(const zh_espnow_data_t *device_data, const uint8_t *device_mac, const gateway_config_t *gateway_config);
* @brief Function for converting to JSON and sending to the MQTT broker the status message received from a zh_espnow_switch node.
* @param[in] device_data Pointer to structure for data exchange between ESP-NOW devices.
* @param[in] device_mac Pointer to ESP-NOW node MAC address.
* @param[in] gateway_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_espnow_switch_send_mqtt_json_status_message(const zh_espnow_data_t *device_data, const uint8_t *device_mac, const gateway_config_t *gateway_config);
* @brief Function for converting to JSON and sending to the MQTT broker the configuration message received from a zh_espnow_led node.
* @param[in] device_data Pointer to structure for data exchange between ESP-NOW devices.
* @param[in] device_mac Pointer to ESP-NOW node MAC address.
* @param[in] gateway_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_espnow_led_send_mqtt_json_config_message(const zh_espnow_data_t *device_data, const uint8_t *device_mac, const gateway_config_t *gateway_config);
* @brief Function for converting to JSON and sending to the MQTT broker the hardware configuration message received from a zh_espnow_led node.
* @param[in] device_data Pointer to structure for data exchange between ESP-NOW devices.
* @param[in] device_mac Pointer to ESP-NOW node MAC address.
* @param[in] gateway_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_espnow_led_send_mqtt_json_hardware_config_message(const zh_espnow_data_t *device_data, const uint8_t *device_mac, const gateway_config_t *gateway_config);
* @brief Function for converting to JSON and sending to the MQTT broker the status message received from a zh_espnow_led node.
* @param[in] device_data Pointer to structure for data exchange between ESP-NOW devices.
* @param[in] device_mac Pointer to ESP-NOW node MAC address.
* @param[in] gateway_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_espnow_led_send_mqtt_json_status_message(const zh_espnow_data_t *device_data, const uint8_t *device_mac, const gateway_config_t *gateway_config);
* @brief Function for converting to JSON and sending to the MQTT broker the configuration message received from a zh_espnow_sensor node.
* @param[in,out] device_data Pointer to structure for data exchange between ESP-NOW devices.
* @param[in] device_mac Pointer to ESP-NOW node MAC address.
* @param[in] gateway_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_espnow_sensor_send_mqtt_json_config_message(zh_espnow_data_t *device_data, const uint8_t *device_mac, const gateway_config_t *gateway_config);
* @brief Function for converting to JSON and sending to the MQTT broker the hardware configuration message received from a zh_espnow_sensor node.
* @param[in] device_data Pointer to structure for data exchange between ESP-NOW devices.
* @param[in] device_mac Pointer to ESP-NOW node MAC address.
* @param[in] gateway_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_espnow_sensor_send_mqtt_json_hardware_config_message(const zh_espnow_data_t *device_data, const uint8_t *device_mac, const gateway_config_t *gateway_config);
* @brief Function for converting to JSON and sending to the MQTT broker the status message received from a zh_espnow_sensor node.
* @param[in] device_data Pointer to structure for data exchange between ESP-NOW devices.
* @param[in] device_mac Pointer to ESP-NOW node MAC address.
* @param[in] gateway_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_espnow_sensor_send_mqtt_json_status_message(const zh_espnow_data_t *device_data, const uint8_t *device_mac, const gateway_config_t *gateway_config);
* @brief Function for converting to JSON and sending to the MQTT broker the configuration message received from a zh_espnow_binary_sensor node.
* @param[in] device_data Pointer to structure for data exchange between ESP-NOW devices.
* @param[in] device_mac Pointer to ESP-NOW node MAC address.
* @param[in] gateway_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_espnow_binary_sensor_send_mqtt_json_config_message(const zh_espnow_data_t *device_data, const uint8_t *device_mac, const gateway_config_t *gateway_config);
* @brief Function for converting to JSON and sending to the MQTT broker the hardware configuration message received from a zh_espnow_binary_sensor node.
* @param[in] device_data Pointer to structure for data exchange between ESP-NOW devices.
* @param[in] device_mac Pointer to ESP-NOW node MAC address.
* @param[in] gateway_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_espnow_binary_sensor_send_mqtt_json_hardware_config_message(const zh_espnow_data_t *device_data, const uint8_t *device_mac, const gateway_config_t *gateway_config);
* @brief Function for converting to JSON and sending to the MQTT broker the status message received from a zh_espnow_binary_sensor node.
* @param[in] device_data Pointer to structure for data exchange between ESP-NOW devices.
* @param[in] device_mac Pointer to ESP-NOW node MAC address.
* @param[in] gateway_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_espnow_binary_sensor_send_mqtt_json_status_message(const zh_espnow_data_t *device_data, const uint8_t *device_mac, const gateway_config_t *gateway_config);