#define ZH_NETWORK_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE 218 // Maximum value of the transmitted data size. @attention All devices on the network must have the same ZH_NETWORK_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE.
uint32_tnetwork_id;// A unique ID for the mesh network. @attention The ID must be the same for all nodes in the network.
uint8_ttask_priority;// Task priority for the ESP-NOW messages processing. @note It is not recommended to set a value less than 4.
uint16_tstack_size;// Stack size for task for the ESP-NOW messages processing. @note The minimum size is 3072 bytes.
uint8_tqueue_size;// Queue size for task for the ESP-NOW messages processing. @note The size depends on the number of messages to be processed. It is not recommended to set the value less than 32.
uint16_tmax_waiting_time;// Maximum time to wait a response message from target node (in milliseconds). @note If a response message from the target node is not received within this time, the status of the sent message will be "sent fail".
uint16_tid_vector_size;// Maximum size of unique ID of received messages. @note If the size is exceeded, the first value will be deleted. Minimum recommended value: number of planned nodes in the network + 10%.
uint16_troute_vector_size;// The maximum size of the routing table. @note If the size is exceeded, the first route will be deleted. Minimum recommended value: number of planned nodes in the network + 10%.
wifi_interface_twifi_interface;// WiFi interface (STA or AP) used for ESP-NOW operation. @note The MAC address of the device depends on the selected WiFi interface.
uint8_twifi_channel;// Wi-Fi channel uses to send/receive ESPNOW data. @note Values from 1 to 14.
uint8_tattempts;// Maximum number of attempts to send a message. @note It is not recommended to set a value greater than 5.
typedefstruct// Structure for sending data to the event handler when an ESP-NOW message was sent. @note Should be used with ZH_NETWORK event base and ZH_NETWORK_ON_SEND_EVENT event.
typedefstruct// Structure for sending data to the event handler when an ESP-NOW message was received. @note Should be used with ZH_NETWORK event base and ZH_NETWORK_ON_RECV_EVENT event.