2024-05-14 16:11:08 +03:00
* @ file
* Header file for the zh_rf24 component .
# pragma once
# include "string.h"
# include "esp_err.h"
# include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
# include "freertos/event_groups.h"
# include "esp_log.h"
# include "esp_heap_caps.h"
# include "driver/spi_master.h"
# include "driver/gpio.h"
2024-05-15 13:38:12 +03:00
# include "esp_event.h"
2024-05-14 16:11:08 +03:00
* @ brief Unique identifier of RF24 interface events base . Used when registering the event handler .
* @ brief Default values for zh_rf24_init_config_t structure for initial initialization of RF24 interface .
2024-05-16 16:02:27 +03:00
{ \
. ce_pin = 1 , \
. csn_pin = 2 , \
. sck_pin = 3 , \
. mosi_pin = 4 , \
. miso_pin = 5 , \
. irq_pin = 6 , \
. channel = 100 , \
. tx_address = { 0xE7 , 0xE7 , 0xE7 , 0xE7 , 0xE7 } , \
. rx_pipe_1_address = { 0xC2 , 0xC2 , 0xC2 , 0xC2 , 0xC2 } , \
. rx_pipe_2_address = 0xC3 , \
. rx_pipe_3_address = 0xC4 , \
. rx_pipe_4_address = 0xC5 , \
. rx_pipe_5_address = 0xC6 , \
. task_priority = 3 , \
. stack_size = 2048 , \
. queue_size = 16 \
2024-05-14 16:11:08 +03:00
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern " C "
# endif
* @ brief Structure for initial initialization of RF24 interface .
* @ note Before initialize cc interface recommend initialize zh_rf24_init_config_t structure with default values .
* @ code
* zh_rf24_init_config_t config = ZH_RF24_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT ( )
* @ endcode
typedef struct
uint8_t ce_pin ;
uint8_t csn_pin ;
uint8_t sck_pin ;
uint8_t mosi_pin ;
uint8_t miso_pin ;
uint8_t irq_pin ;
uint8_t channel ;
uint8_t tx_address [ 5 ] ;
2024-05-16 16:02:27 +03:00
uint8_t rx_pipe_1_address [ 5 ] ;
2024-05-14 16:11:08 +03:00
uint8_t rx_pipe_2_address ;
uint8_t rx_pipe_3_address ;
uint8_t rx_pipe_4_address ;
uint8_t rx_pipe_5_address ;
uint8_t task_priority ; ///< Task priority for the ESP-NOW messages processing. @note It is not recommended to set a value less than 4.
uint16_t stack_size ; ///< Stack size for task for the ESP-NOW messages processing. @note The minimum size is 3072 bytes.
uint8_t queue_size ; ///< Queue size for task for the ESP-NOW messages processing. @note The size depends on the number of messages to be processed. It is not recommended to set the value less than 32.
} __attribute__ ( ( packed ) ) zh_rf24_init_config_t ;
/// \cond
/// \endcond
* @ brief Enumeration of possible RF24 events .
typedef enum
ZH_RF24_ON_RECV_EVENT , ///< The event when the RF24 message was received.
ZH_RF24_ON_SEND_EVENT ///< The event when the RF24 message was sent.
} __attribute__ ( ( packed ) ) zh_rf24_event_type_t ;
* @ brief Enumeration of possible status of sent ESP - NOW message .
typedef enum
ZH_RF24_SEND_SUCCESS , ///< If RF24 message was sent success.
ZH_RF24_SEND_FAIL ///< If RF24 message was sent fail.
} __attribute__ ( ( packed ) ) zh_rf24_on_send_event_type_t ;
* @ brief Structure for sending data to the event handler when an ESP - NOW message was sent .
* @ note Should be used with ZH_NETWORK event base and ZH_NETWORK_ON_SEND_EVENT event .
typedef struct
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zh_rf24_on_send_event_type_t status ; ///< Status of sent RF24 message. @note
2024-05-14 16:11:08 +03:00
} __attribute__ ( ( packed ) ) zh_rf24_event_on_send_t ;
* @ brief Structure for sending data to the event handler when an ESP - NOW message was received .
* @ note Should be used with ZH_NETWORK event base and ZH_NETWORK_ON_RECV_EVENT event .
typedef struct
uint8_t pipe ; ///< MAC address of the sender ESP-NOW message. @note
uint8_t * data ; ///< Pointer to the data of the received ESP-NOW message. @note
uint8_t data_len ; ///< Size of the received ESP-NOW message. @note
2024-05-15 10:12:40 +03:00
} __attribute__ ( ( packed ) ) zh_rf24_event_on_recv_t ;
2024-05-14 16:11:08 +03:00
* @ brief Initialize ESP - NOW interface .
* @ note Before initialize ESP - NOW interface recommend initialize zh_network_init_config_t structure with default values .
* @ code
* zh_network_init_config_t config = ZH_NETWORK_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT ( )
* @ endcode
* @ param [ in ] config Pointer to ESP - NOW initialized configuration structure . Can point to a temporary variable .
* @ return
* - ESP_OK if initialization was success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if parameter error
* - ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT if WiFi is not initialized
* - ESP_FAIL if any internal error
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esp_err_t zh_rf24_init ( zh_rf24_init_config_t * config ) ;
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* @ brief Deinitialize ESP - NOW interface .
* @ return
* - ESP_OK if deinitialization was success
2024-05-15 10:12:40 +03:00
esp_err_t zh_rf24_deinit ( void ) ;
2024-05-14 16:11:08 +03:00
* @ brief Send ESP - NOW data .
* @ param [ in ] target Pointer to a buffer containing an eight - byte target MAC . Can be NULL for broadcast .
* @ param [ in ] data Pointer to a buffer containing the data for send .
* @ param [ in ] data_len Sending data length .
* @ note The function will return an ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE error if less than 50 % of the size set at initialization remains in the message queue .
* @ return
* - ESP_OK if sent was success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if parameter error
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE if queue for outgoing data is almost full
* - ESP_FAIL if ESP - NOW is not initialized
2024-05-16 16:02:27 +03:00
esp_err_t zh_rf24_send ( const uint8_t * data , const uint8_t data_len ) ;
2024-05-14 16:11:08 +03:00
# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif