menu "Application Configuration" menu "WiFi Setting" config ESP_WIFI_SSID string "WiFi SSID" default "myssid" help SSID (network name) to connect to. config ESP_WIFI_PASSWORD string "WiFi Password" default "mypassword" help WiFi password (WPA or WPA2) to connect to. config ESP_MAXIMUM_RETRY int "Maximum retry" default 5 help Set the Maximum retry to avoid station reconnecting to the AP unlimited when the AP is really inexistent. endmenu menu "Radio Setting" choice DIRECTION prompt "Communication polarity" default SENDER help Select Communication polarity. config SENDER bool "MQTT to Radio" help MQTT to Radio. config RECEIVER bool "Radio to MQTT" help Radio to MQTT. endchoice config MQTT_BROKER string "MQTT Broker" default "" help Host name or IP address of the broker to connect to config BROKER_AUTHENTICATION bool "Server requests for password when connecting" default false help Server requests for password when connecting. config AUTHENTICATION_USERNAME depends on BROKER_AUTHENTICATION string "Username used for connecting to the broker" default "user" help Username used for connecting to the broker. config AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD depends on BROKER_AUTHENTICATION string "Password used for connecting to the broker" default "password" help Username used for connecting to the broker. config MQTT_PUB_TOPIC depends on RECEIVER string "Publish Topic" default "/topic/mirf/test" help Topic of publish config MQTT_SUB_TOPIC depends on SENDER string "Subscribe Topic" default "/topic/mirf/test" help Topic of subscribe endmenu endmenu