2022-03-20 08:28:45 -05:00
MQUnifiedsensor Library - reading an MQ135
Demonstrates the use a MQ135 sensor .
Library originally added 01 may 2019
by Miguel A Califa , Yersson Carrillo , Ghiordy Contreras , Mario Rodriguez
Added example
modified 20 March 2022
by Miguel Califa
Wiring :
https : //github.com/miguel5612/MQSensorsLib_Docs/blob/master/static/img/MQ_Arduino.PNG
Please make sure arduino A0 pin represents the analog input configured on # define pin
This example code is in the public domain .
Library link https : //github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_ADS1X15
# include <Wire.h>
# include <Adafruit_ADS1X15.h>
//Include the library
# include <MQUnifiedsensor.h>
# define placa "Arduino UNO"
# define type "MQ-135" //MQ135
# define RatioMQ135CleanAir 3.6 //RS / R0 = 3.6 ppm
float factorEscala = 0.1875F ;
//#define calibration_button 13 //Pin to calibrate your sensor
//Declare Sensor
MQUnifiedsensor MQ135 ( placa , type ) ;
// Crear objeto de la clase
Adafruit_ADS1115 ads ;
void setup ( void )
//Init the serial port communication - to debug the library
Serial . begin ( 9600 ) ; //Init serial port
delay ( 200 ) ;
//Set math model to calculate the PPM concentration and the value of constants
MQ135 . setRegressionMethod ( 1 ) ; //_PPM = a*ratio^b
MQ135 . init ( ) ;
// Iniciar el ADS1115
ads . begin ( ) ;
Serial . print ( " Calibrating please wait. " ) ;
float calcR0 = 0 ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = 10 ; i + + )
// Obtener datos del A0 del ADS1115
short adc0 = ads . readADC_SingleEnded ( 0 ) ;
float voltios = ( adc0 * factorEscala ) / 1000.0 ;
MQ135 . externalADCUpdate ( voltios ) ; // Update data, the arduino will read the voltage from the analog pin
calcR0 + = MQ135 . calibrate ( RatioMQ135CleanAir ) ;
Serial . print ( " . " ) ;
MQ135 . setR0 ( calcR0 / 10 ) ;
Serial . println ( " done!. " ) ;
if ( isinf ( calcR0 ) ) { Serial . println ( " Warning: Conection issue, R0 is infinite (Open circuit detected) please check your wiring and supply " ) ; while ( 1 ) ; }
if ( calcR0 = = 0 ) { Serial . println ( " Warning: Conection issue found, R0 is zero (Analog pin shorts to ground) please check your wiring and supply " ) ; while ( 1 ) ; }
/***************************** MQ CAlibration ********************************************/
Serial . println ( " ** Values from MQ-135 **** " ) ;
Serial . println ( " | CO | Alcohol | CO2 | Toluen | NH4 | Aceton | " ) ;
void loop ( ) {
// Obtener datos del A0 del ADS1115
short adc0 = ads . readADC_SingleEnded ( 0 ) ;
float voltios = ( adc0 * factorEscala ) / 1000.0 ;
MQ135 . externalADCUpdate ( voltios ) ; // Update data, the arduino will read the voltage from the analog pin
MQ135 . setA ( 605.18 ) ; MQ135 . setB ( - 3.937 ) ; // Configure the equation to calculate CO concentration value
float CO = MQ135 . readSensor ( ) ; // Sensor will read PPM concentration using the model, a and b values set previously or from the setup
MQ135 . setA ( 77.255 ) ; MQ135 . setB ( - 3.18 ) ; //Configure the equation to calculate Alcohol concentration value
float Alcohol = MQ135 . readSensor ( ) ; // SSensor will read PPM concentration using the model, a and b values set previously or from the setup
MQ135 . setA ( 110.47 ) ; MQ135 . setB ( - 2.862 ) ; // Configure the equation to calculate CO2 concentration value
float CO2 = MQ135 . readSensor ( ) ; // Sensor will read PPM concentration using the model, a and b values set previously or from the setup
MQ135 . setA ( 44.947 ) ; MQ135 . setB ( - 3.445 ) ; // Configure the equation to calculate Toluen concentration value
2022-03-20 12:53:36 -05:00
float Toluen = MQ135 . readSensor ( ) ; // Sensor will read PPM concentration using the model, a and b values set previously or from the setup
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MQ135 . setA ( 102.2 ) ; MQ135 . setB ( - 2.473 ) ; // Configure the equation to calculate NH4 concentration value
float NH4 = MQ135 . readSensor ( ) ; // Sensor will read PPM concentration using the model, a and b values set previously or from the setup
MQ135 . setA ( 34.668 ) ; MQ135 . setB ( - 3.369 ) ; // Configure the equation to calculate Aceton concentration value
2022-03-20 12:53:36 -05:00
float Aceton = MQ135 . readSensor ( ) ; // Sensor will read PPM concentration using the model, a and b values set previously or from the setup
2022-03-20 08:28:45 -05:00
Serial . print ( " | " ) ; Serial . print ( CO ) ;
Serial . print ( " | " ) ; Serial . print ( Alcohol ) ;
// Note: 200 Offset for CO2 source: https://github.com/miguel5612/MQSensorsLib/issues/29
Motivation :
We have added 200 PPM because when the library is calibrated it assumes the current state of the
air as 0 PPM , and it is considered today that the CO2 present in the atmosphere is around 400 PPM .
https : //www.lavanguardia.com/natural/20190514/462242832581/concentracion-dioxido-cabono-co2-atmosfera-bate-record-historia-humanidad.html
Serial . print ( " | " ) ; Serial . print ( CO2 + 400 ) ;
2022-03-20 12:53:36 -05:00
Serial . print ( " | " ) ; Serial . print ( Toluen ) ;
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Serial . print ( " | " ) ; Serial . print ( NH4 ) ;
2022-03-20 12:53:36 -05:00
Serial . print ( " | " ) ; Serial . print ( Aceton ) ;
2022-03-20 08:28:45 -05:00
Serial . println ( " | " ) ;
Exponential regression :
GAS | a | b
CO | 605.18 | - 3.937
Alcohol | 77.255 | - 3.18
CO2 | 110.47 | - 2.862
2022-03-20 12:53:36 -05:00
Toluen | 44.947 | - 3.445
2022-03-20 08:28:45 -05:00
NH4 | 102.2 | - 2.473
2022-03-20 12:53:36 -05:00
Aceton | 34.668 | - 3.369
2022-03-20 08:28:45 -05:00
delay ( 500 ) ; //Sampling frequency