This is a unified library to use sensors MQ: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 131, 135, 303A and 309A.
Getting Started
MQUnifiedsensor MQ4(pin, 4); //Example if sensor is MQ4, type = 4
float ppmCH4 = MQ4.readSensor();
You'll need Arduino desftop app 1.8.9 or later.
Sensor manufacter:
Sensor | Manufacter | URL Datasheet |
MQ-2 | Pololulu | datasheet |
MQ-3 | Sparkfun | datasheet |
MQ-4 | Sparkfun | datasheet |
MQ-5 | parallax | datasheet |
MQ-6 | Sparkfun | datasheet |
MQ-7 | Sparkfun | datasheet |
MQ-8 | Sparkfun | datasheet |
MQ-9 | Haoyuelectronics | datasheet |
MQ-131 | Sensorsportal | datasheet |
MQ-135 | HANWEI Electronics | datasheet |
MQ-303A | HANWEI Electronics | datasheet |
MQ-309A | HANWEI Electronics | datasheet |
Info of datasheets
Review WPDigitalizer folder website
Clone this repositry into your desktop machine
git clone https://github.com/miguel5612/MQSensorsLib
Running the tests
Use calibration systems if you have several sensors that read the same gas.
Break down into end to end tests
These test can re-adjust values defined previously and you can contribute to improve conditions or features obtained from particular scenes.
And coding style tests
These tests may generate statistics validation using descriptive tools for cuantitative variables.
Built With
- Data sheets - Curves and behavior for each sensor, using logarithmic graphs.
- Main purpose - Every sensor has high sensibility for a specific gas or material.
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Miguel A. Califa U. - GitHub - CV
- Ghiordy F. Contreras C. - GitHub - CV
- Yersson R. Carrillo A. - GitHub - CV
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details