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Changelog {#changelog}
Here's a list summarizing some of the key undergoing changes to our library
from earlier versions:
### v2.0.0
* Reworked existing interfaces and extended the list to include iAcceleration,
iAngle, iButton, iClock, iCollision, iDistance, iDistanceInterrupter, iEC,
iElectromagnet, iEmg, iGas, iGps, iGyroscope, iHallEffect, iHeartRate, iHumidity,
iLight, iLineFinder, iMagnetometer, iMoisture, iMotion, iOrp, iPH, iPressure,
iProximity, iTemperature, iVDiv, iWater
* Provided overloaded string based constructors for a good number of sensors,
allowing initialization from external frameworks without type knowledge
* Removed deprecated basic grove classes from project
* Replaced 6 unsafe occurrences of sprintf() usage
* Cleaned-up build system around target arch detection and cpack usage, added
detection and resolution of tinyb library when used as a dependency
* New sensors: 2jciebu01_ble, 2jciebu01_usb
### v1.7.1
* Bumped library compatibility to new MRAA 2.0 APIs
* Added installation details for Fedora
* Minor fixes based on static analysis vulnerability report
### v1.7.0
* Added Cordova bindings based on Java packages
* Complete rework of the nmea_gps library giving more control over data
acquisition and parsing
* Added GTest support for unit tests
* Removed calls to deprecated MRAA fast GPIO functions
* Several bug fixes and improvements around SWIG type maps and gcc8 support
* New sensors: kx122, kxtj3, bh1792, bh1749
### v1.6.0
* Extended LED library to support the new MRAA gpio-leds APIs
* Many CMake changes around SWIG wrapper generation and improved FindNodejs
detection module
* Several code fixes based on static code analysis
* Improved documentation generation and Travis CI builds
* Cleaned-up doxygen tags in headers and class names in JSON library files
* New sensor: lis3dh
### v1.5.0
* Introduced a flexible JSON format for technical sensor specifications, notes
and classification. This is also used by our [new UPM website](http://upm.mraa.io)
* Revised all C++ sensor examples and switched to stack allocations where
possible along with other code and formatting clean-up
* Significantly improved docker workflow, CI integration, sanity and
consistency tests, static code scans and documentation generation
* Several improvements to a couple of existing sensor drivers and better
compatibility with subplatforms
* Added new std::vector to AbstractList<> typemap for Java bindings and
* New sensors: lis2ds12, lsm6ds3h, lsm6dsl, lidarlitev3
### v1.3.0
* Finalized all required build system and JAVA binding changes to release the
UPM libraries for Android Things targets
* Enhanced the modules for lsm303 and tmp006 to support newer variants of the
* Fixed Node.js detection on Ubuntu when installed with apt using official
* Minor documentation changes
* New sensors: lsm303agr, lsm303d, veml6070, tca9548a, rn2903
### v1.2.0
* Improved JAVA binding compiler compatibility and added JAVA interfaces that
match existing C++ interfaces
* Ported Bosch drivers to C thus now they can be used on supported MCUs
* Completely redesigned C/C++ example handling by cmake to avoid maintaining
a list by hand
* Fixed several existing drivers, mostly based on static code analysis reports
* Added a sensor driver template plus bash script that can be easily used by
developers to start writing their own sensor driver
* Numerous documentation improvements
* New sensors: p9813, abp, rsc, mmc35240, tcs37727, tmp006, mma8x6x, mag3110,
### v1.1.0
* Reworked cmake handling of internal and external dependencies
* Documentation improvements for sensor names, sensor descriptions, external
contributor guides and added new section on installing UPM on a supported OS
* Fixed issues with C11 builds on some WRLinux gateways and Debian systems
* New examples and functionality for speaker and ads1x15 modules
* Modified JAVA builds to ensure the SWIG generated wrappers include all
functionality and typemaps
* New sensors: mcp2515, max30100, uartat, le910
### v1.0.2
* Minor cmake changes for Java builds and Java examples are now toggled with
the same BUILDEXAMPLES cmake switch
* Made some improvements in the utilities class for our C drivers
* Fixed issue with some drivers not being usable on subplatforms due to pin
numbers using uint8 type
* New sensors: ims, ecezo, mb704x, rf22
### v1.0.1
* Warnings as errors enabled for C/CXX (fixed warnings from -Wall and others)
* Fix for C/CXX compile flag append issue #485
* C sensor libraries for: my9221, otp538u, guvas12d, ppd42ns
* New sensor: ms5803
### v1.0.0
* Added approximately 50 C sources for UPM drivers that can be used on both
Unix and RTOS boards
* Provided generic alternatives to the Grove set of classes as they will be
deprecated over time and eventually removed
* UPM modules are now being packed and published on NPM as sources rather than
binaries to enhance compatibility with various boards and systems
* Build both python2 and python3 modules if the corresponding python libs are
available and removed cmake BUILDPYTHON3 switch
* Converted python examples to run on both python2 and python3
* Added 'upm' hierarchy to python module install path which changes the way
UPM modules are imported
old: import pyupm_dfrph
new: from upm import pyupm_dfrph
import upm.pyupm_dfrph
* Added ctests for consistancy checking UPM repo as well as sanity checking
for python2/3 modules and examples
* Various documentation and driver fixes throughout
* New sensors: nmea_gps, mma7361, bh1750, hka5, dfrorp, dfrec, sht1x
### v0.8.0
* Extended l3gd20 driver to support I2C connections in addition to IIO
* Updated ads1x15, mcp9808 and ssd1306 I2C drivers to not throw a fatal
exception if they fail to set a different I2C speed
* Added extra functionality to apa102 driver, backlight control to jhd1313m1
LCDs and fixed htu21d
* Improved documentation with build dependencies, refreshed the list of known
limitations and simplified the component name for a few sensors
### v0.7.3
* Fixed several existing drivers and updated Grove Temperature sensor to use
new formula for v1.1+ by default
* Separated codebase for upm_grove module that bundles some of the starter kit
sensors into individual source files
* Documentation and doxygen tag updates with correct spelling for Celsius in
several places, this also affects API compatibility
* Removed superfluous BUILDSWIG option, some build recipes might be impacted
* New sensor: ms5611
### v0.7.2
* Mraa 1.1.1 required changes to UPM drivers and examples for IIO core
kernel support
* Rev'ed libmraa requirement to 1.1.1
### v0.7.1
* Fix for building python2 vs python3 bindings
* Fixes for jhd1313m1 row/font size and reset
* Added bacnet utility class
* New sensors: bmx055, bmi055, bmc160, bma250e, bmg150, bmm150, t8100, tb7300
### v0.7.0
* C++ header files have been renamed from *.h to *.hpp along with all Intel
provided examples and code samples to allow for native C drivers
* Updated driver compatibility to new MRAA 1.0 API
* First sensor implementations for our newly added Dallas One Wire support
* Several fixes based on issues reported on Github
* Changed SWIG linking strategy, more robust Travis CI build checks
* New sensors: ds2413, ds18b20, bmp280, bno055, l3gd20
### v0.6.2
* Added a generic driver for taking snapshots from an USB camera device
* New API changes section in documentation to let users know when the UPM API
gets modified
* Fixed some spelling errors and improved JavaScript documentation builds with
newer versions of YUI and Node
* Enhanced Cmake scripts and the build process
* New sensors: vcap, e50hx
### v0.6.1
* Fixed library build process for different configurations across multiple
environments reported by users.
* Fixed multiple GFX library header clash and improved SSD1351 compatibility
by changing SPI mode
* Added Node and Python array typemaps for nrf24l01
* Added 2 new JAVA examples
### v0.6.0
* Introduced C++ Interfaces for several sensor categories that will help
consolidate the sensor APIs with uniform function names upon implementation
* Greatly improved Node.js detection and handling during build and install,
and should be now compatible with all major versions
* Added a driver for the Curie IMU (accelerometer + gyroscope) that works with
the new Firmata support implemented by MRAA
* Continued to provide several JAVA fixes and examples
* Many new industrial and maker sensors: cwlsxxa, teams, tex00, h803x, apa102,
smartdrive, bmi160, bme280, ds1808lc, hlg150, lp8860, max44009, si1132, t6713,
si7005, ssd1351
### v0.5.1
* Updated the API and added new functionality for the MY9221 class and derived
sensors: grovecircularled and groveledbar, along with new code samples that
show these changes
* Provided a fix for one JAVA example that uses interrupts and updated library
install paths
* Several documentation improvements and pictures were added for new sensors
* A few other sensors received minor patches
### v0.5.0
* First implementations for industrial grade Modbus sensors, along with first
sensor examples that use the new iio system driver in MRAA
* Significant improvements to the stepmotor driver that will now allow precise
control using any GPIO pin and extended the API with new functionality
* Further improved JAVA bindings and sensor ISRs have been modified to
implement Runnable objects
* Improved Python typemaps and error checking, documentation now includes
detailed function descriptions
* Simplified the build process by eliminating the need to define redundant
MRAA related environment variables
* New sensors: nlgpio16, ads1x15, t3311, hdxxvxta, hwxpxx, rhusb, ili9341,
apds9930, kxcjk1013
### v0.4.1
* Over 150 supported sensor drivers including some industrial grade devices
* Improved the JAVA bindings, added a large number of examples for sensors,
enabled JAVA builds in Travis CI, and introduced automatic loading for the
JAVA shared libraries
* Continued to improve existing sensor drivers and to enhance them with the
new C++ coding style and exception types
* Several cmake improvements to allow building on various Linux distributions
and with a newer version of Node.JS
* Simplified adding and building of C++ sensor examples via cmake
* New sensors: micsv89, xbee, urm37, adxrs610, bma220, dfrph, mcp9808, sx1276,
groveultrasonic, ozw
### v0.4.0
* Fully functional and documented JAVA language bindings for sensors with
several examples also available
* Added standardized exception handling support across all language bindings
and updated sensors to use this feature
* Sensor drivers are now available and can be installed individually using NPM
for Node.js users
* Continuous Integration with Travis CI ensures new contributions are built
automatically once they are received
* API rewrite and improvements for hcsr04, sm130, eboled, loudness
* Documentation improvements and code style changes from C to C++
* New sensors: hyld9767, mg811, wheelencoder, grovegprs, mpu9250, ssd1306,
es9257, lm35, mq4, mq6, mq7, mq8
### v0.3.2
* Introduced RPM package generation feature from cmake via cpack
* Performed a thorough documentation review and merged resulting changes,
includes last remaining images and grouping sensors by kits
* Added support for Sparkfun Sensor Blocks (OLED & IMU)
* Fully reworked API for at42qt1070, mpu9150 and lcd classes, while
maintaining backwards compatibility for existing lcd displays
* Extended doxygen tags for better integration with automated documentation
* New sensors: rgbringcoder, hp20x, pn532, sainsmartks, lsm9ds0, eboled
### v0.3.1
* Updated index pages for API documentation and cross-linked them
* More images were added for Grove, Adafruit and Sparkfun sensors along with
licensing information
* Applied a set of patches to improve code robustness
* Added support for Grove NFC Tag sensor
* Fixed several typos in library and sensor names
* New sensor: m24lr64e
### v0.3.0
* Provided automated, updated and comprehensive sensor API documentation for
C++, Python and JavaScript
* Edited sensor names, library descriptions and doxygen tags for consistency
* Fixed the TH02 sensor driver and made major improvements to i2clcd driver
* Added new and updated images for numerous new and existing sensors
* Started this changelog
* New sensors: sx6119, si114x, maxsonarez, hm11, ht9170, h3lis331dl, ad8232,
### v0.2.0
* Passed 100 supported sensor drivers
* Updated header files with new doxygen tags for improved API documentation
* Added python examples for sensors
* Fixed the buzzer and servo drivers for the Intel Edison
* Renamed bmp and gp2y sensor classes to be more generic
* Completely revamped implementation for tm1637
* New sensors: mma7660, cjq4435, adxl335, hmtrp, nunchuck, otp538u, l298,
groveelectromagnet, grovecollision, adis16448, at42qt1070, grovemd, ina132,
grovegsr, groveo2, groveemg, pca9685, pca9685ss, adafruitms1438, hx711, flex,
groveeldriver, mhz16, apds9002, waterlevel, zfm20, uln200xa, grovewfs, isd1820
### v0.1.9
* Passed 50 supported sensor drivers
* Starter Kit and Additional Roadshow and Hackaton sensors added
* Several examples and documentation updates submitted
* Wrote new proper SWIG typemaps for arrays
* Fixed the i2clcd write function, improved several other sensors
* New sensors: rpr220, rotaryencoder, biss0001, rfr359f, grovespeaker, mq303a,
ppd42ns, wt5001, yg1006, ublox6, mpr121, groveloudness, guvas12d, grovewater,
grovevdiv, grovelinefinder, ta12200, groveehr, grovemoisture, gp2y0a, a110x,
ds1307, adc121c021, enc03r, ttp223, itg3200, am2315, tp401, ldt0028, htu21d,
mpl3115a2, lsm303, joystick12, tsl2561, groverotary, groveslider, adxl345,
grovebutton, lol, groverelay
### v0.1.8
* Added MQ series gas sensors and a few others
* Generated Doxygen layout file to improve API look and feel
* Several sensor documentation updates
### v0.1.7
* Fixed SWIG node build issues
* Added lpd8806 digital led strip
### v0.1.6
* Fixed SWIG python builds
* Extended i2clcd devices with new functions
* Made SWIG interface improvements and added extra types
* Added nrf8001 BLE support
* Few other sensor additions and fixes
### v0.1.5
* New drivers for microphone and mpu9150
* Added generic driver for stepper motors
* Updated all code to use MRAA and version dependency
### v0.1.4
* Added new bmp/gy pressure sensor and updated servo
* Started UPM documentation and related pages
* Updated MRAA dependencies
### v0.1.3
* Updated SWIG support for some sensors
* New sensor support for mma7455 accelerometer
### v0.1.2
* Several new sensors added
* Documentation fixes
* IPK generation
### v0.1.1
* Updated MRAA dependency
### v0.1.0
* Initial release with some basic grove sensors and hmc5883
* Doxygen and SWIG support implemented