mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 20:47:30 +03:00
examples: C/C++ examples use transitive dependencies
Updated the examples to comprehend transitive dependencies. This means that each example target will no longer have a giant list of -I includes (the examples at the end of the list had includes for all previous examples, upwards of 200 -I's on the command line). * Created a CMakeLists.txt in the upm/examples directory, moved common functionality to this level. * C/C++ examples now look to the filename for their dependency target name, ie; gas-mq2.cxx adds a dependency to the 'gas' target * Updated a handful of C/C++ example names to reflect this * Example CMake flow - glob the list of files, add targets for any special case examples, then att targets for all the rest Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <noel.eck@intel.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -419,18 +419,11 @@ set (UPM_COMMON_HEADER_DIRS
# UPM source
add_subdirectory (src)
add_subdirectory (examples/c)
add_subdirectory (examples/c++)
# Build java examples
add_subdirectory (examples/java)
# UPM examples
add_subdirectory (examples)
# Python interp is previously found if BUILDTESTS=ON
@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ buzzer.cxx BuzzerSample.java buzzer.js buzzer.py
cjq4435.cxx CJQ4435Sample.java cjq4435.js cjq4435.py
ds1307.cxx DS1307Sample.java ds1307.js ds1307.py
enc03r.cxx ENC03RSample.java enc03r.js enc03r.py
es08a.cxx ES08ASample.java es08a.js es08a.py
servo-es08a.cxx ES08ASample.java es08a.js es08a.py
groveehr.cxx GroveEHRSample.java groveehr.js groveehr.py
groveledbar.cxx GroveLEDBar.java groveledbar.js groveledbar.py
groveled.cxx GroveLEDSample.java groveled.js groveled.py
my9221-groveledbar.cxx GroveLEDBar.java groveledbar.js groveledbar.py
grove-groveled.cxx GroveLEDSample.java groveled.js groveled.py
grovelinefinder.cxx GroveLineFinderSample.java grovelinefinder.js grovelinefinder.py
grovemoisture.cxx GroveMoistureSample.java grovemoisture.js grovemoisture.py
grovescam.cxx GROVESCAMSample.java grovescam.js grovescam.py
@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ mma7660.cxx MMA7660Sample.java mma7660.js mma7660.py
mpl3115a2.cxx MPL3115A2Sample.java mpl3115a2.js mpl3115a2.py
mpr121.cxx MPR121Sample.java mpr121.js mpr121.py
mpu9150.cxx MPU9150Sample.java mpu9150.js mpu9150.py
mq2.cxx MQ2Sample.java mq2.js mq2.py
gas-mq2.cxx MQ2Sample.java mq2.js mq2.py
mq303a.cxx MQ303ASample.java mq303a.js mq303a.py
mq5.cxx MQ5Sample.java mq5.js mq5.py
gas-mq5.cxx MQ5Sample.java mq5.js mq5.py
nrf24l01-receiver.cxx NRF24L01_receiverSample.java nrf24l01-receiver.js nrf24l01-receiver.py
nrf24l01-transmitter.cxx NRF24L01_transmitterSample.java nrf24l01-transmitter.js nrf24l01-transmitter.py
nunchuck.cxx NUNCHUCKSample.java nunchuck.js nunchuck.py
@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ rpr220.cxx RPR220Sample.java rpr220.js rpr220.py
rpr220-intr.cxx RPR220_intrSample.java rpr220-intr.js rpr220-intr.py
slide.cxx SlideSample.java slide.js slide.py
speaker.cxx SpeakerSample.java speaker.js speaker.py
ssd1308-oled.cxx SSD1308_oledSample.java ssd1308-oled.js ssd1308-oled.py
ssd1327-oled.cxx SSD1327_oledSample.java ssd1327-oled.js ssd1327-oled.py
i2clcd-ssd1308-oled.cxx SSD1308_oledSample.java ssd1308-oled.js ssd1308-oled.py
i2clcd-ssd1327-oled.cxx SSD1327_oledSample.java ssd1327-oled.js ssd1327-oled.py
st7735.cxx ST7735Sample.java st7735.js st7735.py
stepmotor.cxx StepMotorSample.java stepmotor.js stepmotor.py
tm1637.cxx TM1637Sample.java tm1637.js tm1637.py
tp401.cxx TP401Sample.java tp401.js tp401.py
gas-tp401.cxx TP401Sample.java tp401.js tp401.py
tsl2561.cxx TSL2561Sample.java tsl2561.js tsl2561.py
ttp223.cxx TTP223Sample.java ttp223.js ttp223.py
uln200xa.cxx ULN200XASample.java uln200xa.js uln200xa.py
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
# Add an example executable target for the provided source file which depends
# on a UPM library target. Strings after the first '-' are ignored.
# Usage:
# add_example(source_file TARGETS <target0> <target1> <targetn> SUFFIX <target_suffix>)
# Parameters:
# source_file - C/C++ source file. Filename must follow a specific format:
# <library>-[additional].c(xx)
# library: Name of UPM library required by example
# -additional: Any other string used to identify the example
# TARGETS - If TARGETS is set, ignore the <library>-[additional] syntax and
# use only the provided TARGETS as target name dependencies
# SUFFIX - Provide a means to differentiate between C/C++ dependency targets and
# example names. Leave empty for CXX examples. Use '-c' for c targets.
# SUFFIX Example file Dependency target Example binary
# ------ ------------ ----------------- --------------
# "-c" foo.c foo-c foo-example-c
# foo.cxx foo foo-example-cxx
# Parent scope variable:
# example_src_list - Any example target which is successfully created by
# add_example will be removed from the parent scope variable
# example_src_list (if it exists). This provides a means to handle
# special case examples BEFORE handling all files in example_src_list.
# Examples:
# # Creates sensorfoo-example-cxx, depends on target: sensorfoo
# add_example(sensorfoo.cxx)
# # Creates sensorfoo-example-c, depends on target: sensorfoo-c
# add_example(sensorfoo.c SUFFIX "-c")
# # Creates sensorfoo-bar-example-c, depends on target: sensorfoo-c
# add_example(sensorfoo-bar.c SUFFIX "-c")
# # Creates testfoobar-cxx, depends on targets: blib, blah
# add_example(testfoobar.c TARGETS blib blah)
# Examples:
# a110x.c Requires libupmc-a110x
# lcm1602-i2c.c Requires libupmc-lcm1602
# bmp280-bme280.c Requires libupmc-bmp280
# i2clcd-eboled.cxx Requires libupm-i2clcd
function (add_example example_src)
set (oneValueArgs SUFFIX)
set (multiValueArgs TARGETS)
# Parse function parameters
cmake_parse_arguments(add_example "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
# Get the base filename from the full filename
# For file /some/path/to/sensorfoo-bar.c, example_name = sensorfoo-bar
get_filename_component(example_name ${example_src} NAME_WE)
# Parse out <library>
# Example: sensorfoo-bar.c, library = sensorfoo
string (REPLACE "-" ";" split_name ${example_name})
list (GET split_name 0 library_name)
# If TARGETS is not provided, parse dependency target name from example_src
if (NOT add_example_TARGETS)
# For sensorfoo, lib_target_names = sensorfoo-c
set (lib_target_names "${library_name}${add_example_SUFFIX}")
else ()
set (lib_target_names "${add_example_TARGETS}")
endif ()
# Unfortunately, c++ and c library targets are not named the same. If
# no suffix is provided, assume C++ and add a suffix of -cxx to the
# example target name
# library example target
# c: sensorfoo-c sensorfoo-bar-example-c
# cxx: sensorfoo sensorfoo-bar-example-cxx
if (NOT add_example_SUFFIX)
set(add_example_SUFFIX "-cxx")
endif ()
# Create the target name for this example: mylibrary-bar-example-c
set (this_target_name "${example_name}-example${add_example_SUFFIX}")
# If a dependency target does NOT exist, print a warning and skip
foreach(_dep_target ${lib_target_names})
if (NOT TARGET ${_dep_target})
message(STATUS "Missing CMake target (${_dep_target}), skipping example ${example_src}")
endif ()
endforeach ()
# Create an executable target for this example
add_executable (${this_target_name} ${example_src})
# Add each dependency to the library target
foreach(_dep_target ${lib_target_names})
target_link_libraries(${this_target_name} ${_dep_target} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
endforeach ()
# Special case...
list (REMOVE_ITEM example_src_list ${example_src})
set (example_src_list ${example_src_list} PARENT_SCOPE)
endfunction (add_example example_src)
# Add subdirectories if BUILDEXAMPLES=on
# Add C examples
add_subdirectory (c)
# Add C++ examples?
add_subdirectory (c++)
endif ()
# Add java examples?
add_subdirectory (java)
@ -1,388 +1,20 @@
# Selectively disable certain warnings for the examples
# nrf examples flag -Wtautological-compare
set (CXX_DISABLED_WARNINGS -Wno-tautological-compare)
# Create an list of all C++ source files in this directory
file (GLOB example_src_list RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} "*.cxx")
# Extract module name from non-standard example name
macro(get_module_name example_name module_name)
string(LENGTH ${example_name} length)
string(FIND ${example_name} "-" index)
if (${index} GREATER 1)
string(SUBSTRING ${example_name} 0 ${index} substr)
set(${module_name} ${substr})
elseif (${example_name} MATCHES "^grove")
set (${module_name} "grove")
elseif ((${example_name} MATCHES "^mq" AND ${length} EQUAL 3) OR ${example_name} STREQUAL "tp401")
set (${module_name} "gas")
set(${module_name} ${example_name})
# - Handle special cases here --------------------------------------------------
# Set source file, include and linker settings for an example
# If example cannot be built, example_bin is cleared
macro(add_custom_example example_bin example_src example_module_list)
set(found_all_modules TRUE)
foreach (module ${example_module_list})
if (NOT EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${module}")
set(found_all_modules FALSE)
list(FIND MODULE_LIST ${module} index)
if (${index} EQUAL -1)
set(found_all_modules FALSE)
if (found_all_modules)
add_executable (${example_bin} ${example_src})
target_link_libraries (${example_bin} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
# Test humidity interface for 2 sensor libraries
add_example(humidity-sensor.cxx TARGETS si7005 bmp280)
# Test pressure interface for 2 sensor libraries
add_example(pressure-sensor.cxx TARGETS bmp280 bmpx8x)
# Test temperature interface for 3 sensor libraries
add_example(temperature-sensor.cxx TARGETS bmp280 bmpx8x si7005)
# Test light interface for 2 sensor libraries
add_example(light-sensor.cxx TARGETS si1132 max44009)
# Test light controller interface for 3 sensor libraries
add_example(light-controller.cxx TARGETS lp8860 ds1808lc hlg150h)
# Disable warnings from CXX_DISABLED_WARNINGS
foreach(flag ${CXX_DISABLED_WARNINGS})
compiler_flag_supported(CXX is_supported ${flag})
if (is_supported)
target_compile_options(${example_bin} PRIVATE "${flag}")
endforeach(flag ${CXX_DISABLED_WARNINGS})
foreach (module ${example_module_list})
set(module_dir "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${module}")
include_directories (${module_dir})
if (${module} STREQUAL "lcd")
set(module "i2clcd")
target_link_libraries (${example_bin} ${module})
message (WARNING "Ignored ${example_bin}")
set (example_bin "")
# Add specified example by name
# Note special case for grove based examples
macro(add_example example_name)
set(example_src "${example_name}.cxx")
set(example_bin "${example_name}-example-cxx")
get_module_name(${example_name} module_name)
set(module_dir "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${module_name}")
if (EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${example_src}"
AND EXISTS ${module_dir}
AND IS_DIRECTORY ${module_dir})
add_custom_example(${example_bin} ${example_src} ${module_name})
if ((NOT ${example_bin} STREQUAL "") AND (${module_name} STREQUAL "grove"))
set(grove_module_path "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${example_name}")
if (EXISTS ${grove_module_path})
target_link_libraries (${example_bin} ${example_name})
message (WARNING "Ignored ${example_bin}")
# UPM c include directories
include_directories (${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include
# Set the mraa include and link directories prior to adding examples
include_directories (${MRAA_INCLUDE_DIRS})
link_directories (${MRAA_LIBDIR})
# If your sample source file matches the name of the module it tests, add it here
# Exceptions are as follows:
# string after first '-' is ignored (e.g. nrf24l01-transmitter maps to nrf24l01)
# mq? will use module gas
# grove* will use module grove
add_example (hmc5883l)
add_example (led)
add_example (groveled)
add_example (relay)
add_example (groverelay)
add_example (light)
add_example (grovelight)
add_example (temperature)
add_example (grovetemp)
add_example (button)
add_example (grovebutton)
add_example (rotary)
add_example (groverotary)
add_example (slide)
add_example (groveslide)
add_example (buzzer)
add_example (nrf24l01-transmitter)
add_example (nrf24l01-receiver)
add_example (nrf24l01-broadcast)
add_example (hcsr04)
add_example (max44000)
add_example (mma7455)
add_example (st7735)
add_example (max31855)
add_example (bmpx8x)
add_example (stepmotor)
add_example (pulsensor)
add_example (mic)
add_example (mpu9150)
add_example (maxds3231m)
add_example (max31723)
add_example (max5487)
add_example (nrf8001-broadcast)
add_example (nrf8001-helloworld)
add_example (lpd8806)
add_example (mlx90614)
add_example (ecs1030)
add_example (mq2)
add_example (mq3)
add_example (mq4)
add_example (mq5)
add_example (mq6)
add_example (mq7)
add_example (mq8)
add_example (mq9)
add_example (tp401)
add_example (tcs3414cs)
add_example (th02)
add_example (ttp223)
add_example (lsm303)
add_example (joystick12)
add_example (lol)
add_example (tsl2561)
add_example (htu21d)
add_example (mpl3115a2)
add_example (ldt0028)
add_example (am2315)
add_example (itg3200)
add_example (enc03r)
add_example (adc121c021)
add_example (ds1307)
add_example (a110x)
add_example (gp2y0a)
add_example (moisture)
add_example (grovemoisture)
add_example (ehr)
add_example (groveehr)
add_example (ta12200)
add_example (grovelinefinder)
add_example (linefinder)
add_example (vdiv)
add_example (grovevdiv)
add_example (water)
add_example (grovewater)
add_example (guvas12d)
add_example (mpr121)
add_example (yg1006)
add_example (wt5001)
add_example (ppd42ns)
add_example (mq303a)
add_example (speaker)
add_example (grovespeaker)
add_example (rfr359f)
add_example (biss0001)
add_example (rotaryencoder)
add_example (adxl345)
add_example (rpr220)
add_example (rpr220-intr)
add_example (mma7660)
add_example (cjq4435)
add_example (adxl335)
add_example (hmtrp)
add_example (nunchuck)
add_example (otp538u)
add_example (collision)
add_example (grovecollision)
add_example (electromagnet)
add_example (groveelectromagnet)
add_example (emg)
add_example (groveemg)
add_example (o2)
add_example (groveo2)
add_example (gsr)
add_example (grovegsr)
add_example (ina132)
add_example (l298)
add_example (l298-stepper)
add_example (at42qt1070)
add_example (grovemd)
add_example (md)
add_example (grovemd-stepper)
add_example (md-stepper)
add_example (pca9685)
add_example (eldriver)
add_example (groveeldriver)
add_example (adafruitss)
add_example (adafruitms1438)
add_example (adafruitms1438-stepper)
add_example (hx711)
add_example (flex)
add_example (a110x-intr)
add_example (mhz16)
add_example (apds9002)
add_example (waterlevel)
add_example (tm1637)
add_example (zfm20)
add_example (zfm20-register)
add_example (uln200xa)
add_example (grovewfs)
add_example (wfs)
add_example (isd1820)
add_example (sx6119)
add_example (si114x)
add_example (maxsonarez)
add_example (hm11)
add_example (ht9170)
add_example (h3lis331dl)
add_example (ad8232)
add_example (grovescam)
add_example (scam)
add_example (m24lr64e)
add_example (rgbringcoder)
add_example (hp20x)
add_example (pn532)
add_example (pn532-writeurl)
add_example (lsm9ds0)
add_example (loudness)
add_example (mg811)
add_example (wheelencoder)
add_example (sm130)
add_example (gprs)
add_example (grovegprs)
add_example (lm35)
add_example (micsv89)
add_example (xbee)
add_example (urm37)
add_example (urm37-uart)
add_example (adxrs610)
add_example (bma220)
add_example (dfrph)
add_example (mcp9808)
add_example (groveultrasonic)
add_example (ultrasonic)
add_example (sx1276-lora)
add_example (sx1276-fsk)
add_example (ili9341)
add_example (nlgpio16)
add_example (ads1x15)
add_example (t3311)
add_example (hwxpxx)
add_example (h803x)
add_example (hdxxvxta)
add_example (rhusb)
add_example (apds9930)
add_example (kxcjk1013)
add_example (ssd1351)
add_example (ds1808lc)
add_example (hlg150h)
add_example (lp8860)
add_example (max44009)
add_example (si1132)
add_example (si7005)
add_example (t6713)
add_example (cwlsxxa)
add_example (teams)
add_example (apa102)
add_example (tex00)
add_example (bmi160)
add_example (smartdrive)
add_example (curieimu)
endif ()
# we need access to bacnetmstp headers too
add_example (e50hx)
add_example (t8100)
add_example (tb7300)
add_example (vcap)
endif (JPEG_FOUND)
add_example (ds2413)
add_example (ds18b20)
add_example (bmp280)
add_example (bno055)
add_example (l3gd20)
add_example (l3gd20-i2c)
add_example (bmx055)
add_example (ms5611)
add_example (nmea_gps)
add_example (mma7361)
add_example (bh1750)
add_example (hka5)
add_example (dfrorp)
add_example (dfrec)
add_example (sht1x)
add_example (ms5803)
add_example (ims)
add_example (ecezo)
add_example (mb704x)
add_example (rf22-server)
add_example (rf22-client)
add_example (mcp2515)
add_example (max30100)
add_example (sensortemplate)
add_example (p9813)
add_example (abp)
add_example (lcdks)
add_example (mmc35240)
add_example (tcs37727)
add_example (tmp006)
add_example (mma8x5x)
add_example (mag3110)
add_example (hdc1000)
add_example (bmg160)
add_example (bma250e)
add_example (bmm150)
add_example (rsc)
# These are special cases where you specify example binary, source file and module(s)
include_directories (${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src)
add_custom_example (groveled-multi-example-cxx groveled-multi.cxx grove)
add_custom_example (lcm1602-i2c-example-cxx lcm1602-i2c.cxx lcm1602)
add_custom_example (lcm1602-parallel-example-cxx lcm1602-parallel.cxx lcm1602)
add_custom_example (jhd1313m1-lcd-example-cxx jhd1313m1-lcd.cxx jhd1313m1)
add_custom_example (es08a-example-cxx es08a.cxx servo)
add_custom_example (ssd1306-oled-example-cxx ssd1306-oled.cxx lcd)
add_custom_example (ssd1308-oled-example-cxx ssd1308-oled.cxx lcd)
add_custom_example (ssd1327-oled-example-cxx ssd1327-oled.cxx lcd)
add_custom_example (eboled-example-cxx eboled.cxx lcd)
add_custom_example (mpu60x0-example-cxx mpu60x0.cxx mpu9150)
add_custom_example (ak8975-example-cxx ak8975.cxx mpu9150)
add_custom_example (mpu9250-example-cxx mpu9250.cxx mpu9150)
add_custom_example (groveledbar-example-cxx groveledbar.cxx my9221)
add_custom_example (grovecircularled-example-cxx grovecircularled.cxx my9221)
add_custom_example (temperature-sensor-example-cxx temperature-sensor.cxx "si7005;bmpx8x;bmp280")
add_custom_example (humidity-sensor-example-cxx humidity-sensor.cxx "si7005;bmp280")
add_custom_example (pressure-sensor-example-cxx pressure-sensor.cxx "bmpx8x;bmp280")
add_custom_example (co2-sensor-example-cxx co2-sensor.cxx "t6713")
add_custom_example (adc-example-cxx adc-sensor.cxx "ads1x15")
add_custom_example (light-sensor-example-cxx light-sensor.cxx "si1132;max44009")
add_custom_example (light-controller-example-cxx light-controller.cxx "lp8860;ds1808lc;hlg150h")
add_custom_example (bme280-example-cxx bme280.cxx bmp280)
add_custom_example (bmc150-example-cxx bmc150.cxx bmx055)
add_custom_example (bmi055-example-cxx bmi055.cxx bmx055)
add_custom_example (ozwdump-example-cxx ozwdump.cxx ozw)
add_custom_example (aeotecss6-example-cxx aeotecss6.cxx ozw)
add_custom_example (aeotecsdg2-example-cxx aeotecsdg2.cxx ozw)
add_custom_example (aeotecdw2e-example-cxx aeotecdw2e.cxx ozw)
add_custom_example (aeotecdsb09104-example-cxx aeotecdsb09104.cxx ozw)
add_custom_example (tzemt400-example-cxx tzemt400.cxx ozw)
add_custom_example (nmea_gps_i2c_example-cxx nmea_gps_i2c.cxx nmea_gps)
add_custom_example (mcp2515-txrx-example-cxx mcp2515-txrx.cxx mcp2515)
add_custom_example (ads1015-example-cxx ads1015.cxx ads1x15)
add_custom_example (le910-example-cxx le910.cxx uartat)
add_custom_example (speaker_pwm-example-cxx speaker_pwm.cxx speaker)
add_custom_example (ads1115-example-cxx ads1015.cxx ads1x15)
# - Create an executable for all other src files in this directory -------------
foreach (_example_src ${example_src_list})
endforeach ()
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <signal.h>
#include "adis16448.h"
#include "adis16448.hpp"
main(int argc, char **argv)
@ -1,172 +1,11 @@
# Extract module name from non-standard example name
macro(get_module_name example_name module_name)
string(LENGTH ${example_name} length)
string(FIND ${example_name} "-" index)
if (${index} GREATER 1)
string(SUBSTRING ${example_name} 0 ${index} substr)
set(${module_name} ${substr})
elseif (${example_name} MATCHES "^grove")
set (${module_name} "grove")
elseif ((${example_name} MATCHES "^mq" AND ${length} EQUAL 3) OR ${example_name} STREQUAL "tp401")
set (${module_name} "gas")
set(${module_name} ${example_name})
# Create an list of all C source files in this directory
file (GLOB example_src_list RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} "*.c")
# Set source file, include and linker settings for an example
# If example cannot be built, example_bin is cleared
macro(add_custom_example example_bin example_src example_module_list)
set(found_all_modules TRUE)
foreach (module ${example_module_list})
if (NOT EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${module}")
set(found_all_modules FALSE)
list(FIND MODULE_LIST ${module} index)
if (${index} EQUAL -1)
set(found_all_modules FALSE)
if (found_all_modules)
add_executable (${example_bin} ${example_src})
target_link_libraries (${example_bin} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
foreach (module ${example_module_list})
set(module_dir "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${module}")
include_directories (${module_dir})
if (${module} STREQUAL "lcd")
set(module "i2clcd")
target_link_libraries (${example_bin} ${module}-c)
message (WARNING "Ignored ${example_bin}")
set (example_bin "")
# - Handle special cases here --------------------------------------------------
#add_example(humidity-sensor.c TARGETS si7005-c bmp280-c)
# Add specified example by name
# Note special case for grove based examples
macro(add_example example_name)
set(example_src "${example_name}.c")
set(example_bin "${example_name}-example-c")
get_module_name(${example_name} module_name)
set(module_dir "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${module_name}")
if (EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${example_src}"
AND EXISTS ${module_dir}
AND IS_DIRECTORY ${module_dir})
add_custom_example(${example_bin} ${example_src} ${module_name})
if ((NOT ${example_bin} STREQUAL "") AND (${module_name} STREQUAL "grove"))
set(grove_module_path "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${example_name}")
if (EXISTS ${grove_module_path})
target_link_libraries (${example_bin} ${example_name})
message (WARNING "Ignored ${example_bin}")
# UPM c include directories
include_directories (${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include
# Set the mraa include and link directories prior to adding examples
include_directories (${MRAA_INCLUDE_DIRS})
link_directories (${MRAA_LIBDIR})
# If your sample source file matches the name of the module it tests, add it here
# Exceptions are as follows:
# string after first '-' is ignored (e.g. nrf24l01-transmitter maps to nrf24l01)
# mq? will use module gas
# grove* will use module grove
add_example (dfrph)
add_example (nmea_gps)
add_example (mma7361)
add_example (bh1750)
add_example (urm37)
add_example (urm37-uart)
add_example (hka5)
add_example (dfrorp)
add_example (vdiv)
add_example (mqx)
add_example (o2)
add_example (emg)
add_example (gsr)
add_example (light)
add_example (ldt0028)
add_example (joystick12)
add_example (flex)
add_example (slide)
add_example (mq303a)
add_example (m24lr64e)
add_example (mpr121)
add_example (servo)
add_example (a110x)
add_example (gp2y0a)
add_example (ttp223)
add_example (loudness)
add_example (tsl2561)
add_example (collision)
add_example (moisture)
add_example (led)
add_example (ds18b20)
add_example (dfrec)
add_example (sht1x)
add_example (water)
add_example (yg1006)
add_example (biss0001)
add_example (bmi160)
add_example (jhd1313m1)
add_example (lm35)
add_example (rotaryencoder)
add_example (rpr220)
add_example (md)
add_example (linefinder)
add_example (uln200xa)
add_example (mma7660)
add_example (buzzer)
add_example (ppd42ns)
add_example (guvas12d)
add_example (otp538u)
add_example (button)
add_example (my9221)
add_example (ms5803)
add_example (ims)
add_example (ecezo)
add_example (mb704x)
add_example (mcp2515)
add_example (max30100)
add_example (speaker)
add_example (cjq4435)
add_example (hmc5883l)
add_example (wfs)
add_example (enc03r)
add_example (nunchuck)
add_example (bno055)
add_example (bmp280)
add_example (abp)
add_example (lcdks)
add_example (bmg160)
add_example (bma250e)
add_example (bmm150)
add_example (rsc)
add_example (bmpx8x)
# Custom examples
add_custom_example (nmea_gps_i2c-example-c nmea_gps_i2c.c nmea_gps)
add_custom_example (lcm1602-i2c-example-c lcm1602-i2c.c lcm1602)
add_custom_example (lcm1602-parallel-example-c lcm1602-parallel.c lcm1602)
add_custom_example (rpr220-intr-example-c rpr220-intr.c rpr220)
add_custom_example (md-stepper-example-c md-stepper.c md)
add_custom_example (button_intr-example-c button_intr.c button)
add_custom_example (mcp2515-txrx-example-c mcp2515-txrx.c mcp2515)
add_custom_example (le910-example-c le910.c uartat)
add_custom_example (speaker_pwm-example-c speaker_pwm.c speaker)
add_custom_example (bme280-example-c bme280.c bmp280)
# - Create an executable for all other src files in this directory -------------
foreach (_example_src ${example_src_list})
add_example(${_example_src} SUFFIX "-c")
endforeach ()
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
//Modified: Abhishek Malik <abhishek.malik@intel.com>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "grovemoisture.h"
#include "upm_utilities.h"
int main()
grovemoisture_context dev = grovemoisture_init(14);
int val;
if(grovemoisture_get_moisture(dev, &val) != UPM_SUCCESS){
printf("Failed to get any values from the sensor\n");
printf("Moisture Value: %d\n", val);
return 0;
@ -510,6 +510,11 @@ function (UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT)
target_link_libraries (${libname} utilities-c)
# Add include directories for C
target_include_directories (${libname} PUBLIC
## "export" the logical C lib target for the calling module's
## CMakeLists.txt
set (libnamec ${libname} PARENT_SCOPE)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user