examples: C/C++ examples use transitive dependencies

Updated the examples to comprehend transitive dependencies.  This means
that each example target will no longer have a giant list of -I includes
(the examples at the end of the list had includes for all previous
examples, upwards of 200 -I's on the command line).

    * Created a CMakeLists.txt in the upm/examples directory, moved
      common functionality to this level.
    * C/C++ examples now look to the filename for their dependency
      target name, ie; gas-mq2.cxx adds a dependency to the 'gas' target
    * Updated a handful of C/C++ example names to reflect this
    * Example CMake flow - glob the list of files, add targets for any
      special case examples, then att targets for all the rest

Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <noel.eck@intel.com>
This commit is contained in:
Noel Eck 2017-04-03 14:39:11 -07:00
parent 76a12af15f
commit 048f1ac08e
57 changed files with 160 additions and 600 deletions

View File

@ -419,18 +419,11 @@ set (UPM_COMMON_HEADER_DIRS
${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}/include/fti) ${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}/include/fti)
# UPM source
add_subdirectory (src) add_subdirectory (src)
add_subdirectory (examples/c)
add_subdirectory (examples/c++)
# Build java examples # UPM examples
if(BUILDSWIGJAVA AND BUILDEXAMPLES) add_subdirectory (examples)
add_subdirectory (examples/java)
# Python interp is previously found if BUILDTESTS=ON # Python interp is previously found if BUILDTESTS=ON

View File

@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ buzzer.cxx BuzzerSample.java buzzer.js buzzer.py
cjq4435.cxx CJQ4435Sample.java cjq4435.js cjq4435.py cjq4435.cxx CJQ4435Sample.java cjq4435.js cjq4435.py
ds1307.cxx DS1307Sample.java ds1307.js ds1307.py ds1307.cxx DS1307Sample.java ds1307.js ds1307.py
enc03r.cxx ENC03RSample.java enc03r.js enc03r.py enc03r.cxx ENC03RSample.java enc03r.js enc03r.py
es08a.cxx ES08ASample.java es08a.js es08a.py servo-es08a.cxx ES08ASample.java es08a.js es08a.py
groveehr.cxx GroveEHRSample.java groveehr.js groveehr.py groveehr.cxx GroveEHRSample.java groveehr.js groveehr.py
groveledbar.cxx GroveLEDBar.java groveledbar.js groveledbar.py my9221-groveledbar.cxx GroveLEDBar.java groveledbar.js groveledbar.py
groveled.cxx GroveLEDSample.java groveled.js groveled.py grove-groveled.cxx GroveLEDSample.java groveled.js groveled.py
grovelinefinder.cxx GroveLineFinderSample.java grovelinefinder.js grovelinefinder.py grovelinefinder.cxx GroveLineFinderSample.java grovelinefinder.js grovelinefinder.py
grovemoisture.cxx GroveMoistureSample.java grovemoisture.js grovemoisture.py grovemoisture.cxx GroveMoistureSample.java grovemoisture.js grovemoisture.py
grovescam.cxx GROVESCAMSample.java grovescam.js grovescam.py grovescam.cxx GROVESCAMSample.java grovescam.js grovescam.py
@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ mma7660.cxx MMA7660Sample.java mma7660.js mma7660.py
mpl3115a2.cxx MPL3115A2Sample.java mpl3115a2.js mpl3115a2.py mpl3115a2.cxx MPL3115A2Sample.java mpl3115a2.js mpl3115a2.py
mpr121.cxx MPR121Sample.java mpr121.js mpr121.py mpr121.cxx MPR121Sample.java mpr121.js mpr121.py
mpu9150.cxx MPU9150Sample.java mpu9150.js mpu9150.py mpu9150.cxx MPU9150Sample.java mpu9150.js mpu9150.py
mq2.cxx MQ2Sample.java mq2.js mq2.py gas-mq2.cxx MQ2Sample.java mq2.js mq2.py
mq303a.cxx MQ303ASample.java mq303a.js mq303a.py mq303a.cxx MQ303ASample.java mq303a.js mq303a.py
mq5.cxx MQ5Sample.java mq5.js mq5.py gas-mq5.cxx MQ5Sample.java mq5.js mq5.py
nrf24l01-receiver.cxx NRF24L01_receiverSample.java nrf24l01-receiver.js nrf24l01-receiver.py nrf24l01-receiver.cxx NRF24L01_receiverSample.java nrf24l01-receiver.js nrf24l01-receiver.py
nrf24l01-transmitter.cxx NRF24L01_transmitterSample.java nrf24l01-transmitter.js nrf24l01-transmitter.py nrf24l01-transmitter.cxx NRF24L01_transmitterSample.java nrf24l01-transmitter.js nrf24l01-transmitter.py
nunchuck.cxx NUNCHUCKSample.java nunchuck.js nunchuck.py nunchuck.cxx NUNCHUCKSample.java nunchuck.js nunchuck.py
@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ rpr220.cxx RPR220Sample.java rpr220.js rpr220.py
rpr220-intr.cxx RPR220_intrSample.java rpr220-intr.js rpr220-intr.py rpr220-intr.cxx RPR220_intrSample.java rpr220-intr.js rpr220-intr.py
slide.cxx SlideSample.java slide.js slide.py slide.cxx SlideSample.java slide.js slide.py
speaker.cxx SpeakerSample.java speaker.js speaker.py speaker.cxx SpeakerSample.java speaker.js speaker.py
ssd1308-oled.cxx SSD1308_oledSample.java ssd1308-oled.js ssd1308-oled.py i2clcd-ssd1308-oled.cxx SSD1308_oledSample.java ssd1308-oled.js ssd1308-oled.py
ssd1327-oled.cxx SSD1327_oledSample.java ssd1327-oled.js ssd1327-oled.py i2clcd-ssd1327-oled.cxx SSD1327_oledSample.java ssd1327-oled.js ssd1327-oled.py
st7735.cxx ST7735Sample.java st7735.js st7735.py st7735.cxx ST7735Sample.java st7735.js st7735.py
stepmotor.cxx StepMotorSample.java stepmotor.js stepmotor.py stepmotor.cxx StepMotorSample.java stepmotor.js stepmotor.py
tm1637.cxx TM1637Sample.java tm1637.js tm1637.py tm1637.cxx TM1637Sample.java tm1637.js tm1637.py
tp401.cxx TP401Sample.java tp401.js tp401.py gas-tp401.cxx TP401Sample.java tp401.js tp401.py
tsl2561.cxx TSL2561Sample.java tsl2561.js tsl2561.py tsl2561.cxx TSL2561Sample.java tsl2561.js tsl2561.py
ttp223.cxx TTP223Sample.java ttp223.js ttp223.py ttp223.cxx TTP223Sample.java ttp223.js ttp223.py
uln200xa.cxx ULN200XASample.java uln200xa.js uln200xa.py uln200xa.cxx ULN200XASample.java uln200xa.js uln200xa.py

examples/CMakeLists.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
# Add an example executable target for the provided source file which depends
# on a UPM library target. Strings after the first '-' are ignored.
# Usage:
# add_example(source_file TARGETS <target0> <target1> <targetn> SUFFIX <target_suffix>)
# Parameters:
# source_file - C/C++ source file. Filename must follow a specific format:
# <library>-[additional].c(xx)
# library: Name of UPM library required by example
# -additional: Any other string used to identify the example
# TARGETS - If TARGETS is set, ignore the <library>-[additional] syntax and
# use only the provided TARGETS as target name dependencies
# SUFFIX - Provide a means to differentiate between C/C++ dependency targets and
# example names. Leave empty for CXX examples. Use '-c' for c targets.
# SUFFIX Example file Dependency target Example binary
# ------ ------------ ----------------- --------------
# "-c" foo.c foo-c foo-example-c
# foo.cxx foo foo-example-cxx
# Parent scope variable:
# example_src_list - Any example target which is successfully created by
# add_example will be removed from the parent scope variable
# example_src_list (if it exists). This provides a means to handle
# special case examples BEFORE handling all files in example_src_list.
# Examples:
# # Creates sensorfoo-example-cxx, depends on target: sensorfoo
# add_example(sensorfoo.cxx)
# # Creates sensorfoo-example-c, depends on target: sensorfoo-c
# add_example(sensorfoo.c SUFFIX "-c")
# # Creates sensorfoo-bar-example-c, depends on target: sensorfoo-c
# add_example(sensorfoo-bar.c SUFFIX "-c")
# # Creates testfoobar-cxx, depends on targets: blib, blah
# add_example(testfoobar.c TARGETS blib blah)
# Examples:
# a110x.c Requires libupmc-a110x
# lcm1602-i2c.c Requires libupmc-lcm1602
# bmp280-bme280.c Requires libupmc-bmp280
# i2clcd-eboled.cxx Requires libupm-i2clcd
function (add_example example_src)
set (oneValueArgs SUFFIX)
set (multiValueArgs TARGETS)
# Parse function parameters
cmake_parse_arguments(add_example "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
# Get the base filename from the full filename
# For file /some/path/to/sensorfoo-bar.c, example_name = sensorfoo-bar
get_filename_component(example_name ${example_src} NAME_WE)
# Parse out <library>
# Example: sensorfoo-bar.c, library = sensorfoo
string (REPLACE "-" ";" split_name ${example_name})
list (GET split_name 0 library_name)
# If TARGETS is not provided, parse dependency target name from example_src
if (NOT add_example_TARGETS)
# For sensorfoo, lib_target_names = sensorfoo-c
set (lib_target_names "${library_name}${add_example_SUFFIX}")
else ()
set (lib_target_names "${add_example_TARGETS}")
endif ()
# Unfortunately, c++ and c library targets are not named the same. If
# no suffix is provided, assume C++ and add a suffix of -cxx to the
# example target name
# library example target
# c: sensorfoo-c sensorfoo-bar-example-c
# cxx: sensorfoo sensorfoo-bar-example-cxx
if (NOT add_example_SUFFIX)
set(add_example_SUFFIX "-cxx")
endif ()
# Create the target name for this example: mylibrary-bar-example-c
set (this_target_name "${example_name}-example${add_example_SUFFIX}")
# If a dependency target does NOT exist, print a warning and skip
foreach(_dep_target ${lib_target_names})
if (NOT TARGET ${_dep_target})
message(STATUS "Missing CMake target (${_dep_target}), skipping example ${example_src}")
endif ()
endforeach ()
# Create an executable target for this example
add_executable (${this_target_name} ${example_src})
# Add each dependency to the library target
foreach(_dep_target ${lib_target_names})
target_link_libraries(${this_target_name} ${_dep_target} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
endforeach ()
# Special case...
list (REMOVE_ITEM example_src_list ${example_src})
set (example_src_list ${example_src_list} PARENT_SCOPE)
endfunction (add_example example_src)
# Add subdirectories if BUILDEXAMPLES=on
# Add C examples
add_subdirectory (c)
# Add C++ examples?
add_subdirectory (c++)
endif ()
# Add java examples?
add_subdirectory (java)

View File

@ -1,388 +1,20 @@
# Selectively disable certain warnings for the examples # Create an list of all C++ source files in this directory
# nrf examples flag -Wtautological-compare file (GLOB example_src_list RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} "*.cxx")
set (CXX_DISABLED_WARNINGS -Wno-tautological-compare)
# Extract module name from non-standard example name # - Handle special cases here --------------------------------------------------
macro(get_module_name example_name module_name)
string(LENGTH ${example_name} length)
string(FIND ${example_name} "-" index)
if (${index} GREATER 1)
string(SUBSTRING ${example_name} 0 ${index} substr)
set(${module_name} ${substr})
elseif (${example_name} MATCHES "^grove")
set (${module_name} "grove")
elseif ((${example_name} MATCHES "^mq" AND ${length} EQUAL 3) OR ${example_name} STREQUAL "tp401")
set (${module_name} "gas")
set(${module_name} ${example_name})
# Set source file, include and linker settings for an example # Test humidity interface for 2 sensor libraries
# If example cannot be built, example_bin is cleared add_example(humidity-sensor.cxx TARGETS si7005 bmp280)
macro(add_custom_example example_bin example_src example_module_list) # Test pressure interface for 2 sensor libraries
set(found_all_modules TRUE) add_example(pressure-sensor.cxx TARGETS bmp280 bmpx8x)
foreach (module ${example_module_list}) # Test temperature interface for 3 sensor libraries
if (NOT EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${module}") add_example(temperature-sensor.cxx TARGETS bmp280 bmpx8x si7005)
set(found_all_modules FALSE) # Test light interface for 2 sensor libraries
endif() add_example(light-sensor.cxx TARGETS si1132 max44009)
if (MODULE_LIST) # Test light controller interface for 3 sensor libraries
list(FIND MODULE_LIST ${module} index) add_example(light-controller.cxx TARGETS lp8860 ds1808lc hlg150h)
if (${index} EQUAL -1)
set(found_all_modules FALSE)
if (found_all_modules)
add_executable (${example_bin} ${example_src})
target_link_libraries (${example_bin} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
# Disable warnings from CXX_DISABLED_WARNINGS # - Create an executable for all other src files in this directory -------------
foreach(flag ${CXX_DISABLED_WARNINGS}) foreach (_example_src ${example_src_list})
compiler_flag_supported(CXX is_supported ${flag}) add_example(${_example_src})
if (is_supported) endforeach ()
target_compile_options(${example_bin} PRIVATE "${flag}")
endforeach(flag ${CXX_DISABLED_WARNINGS})
foreach (module ${example_module_list})
set(module_dir "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${module}")
include_directories (${module_dir})
if (${module} STREQUAL "lcd")
set(module "i2clcd")
target_link_libraries (${example_bin} ${module})
message (WARNING "Ignored ${example_bin}")
set (example_bin "")
# Add specified example by name
# Note special case for grove based examples
macro(add_example example_name)
set(example_src "${example_name}.cxx")
set(example_bin "${example_name}-example-cxx")
get_module_name(${example_name} module_name)
set(module_dir "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${module_name}")
if (EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${example_src}"
AND EXISTS ${module_dir}
AND IS_DIRECTORY ${module_dir})
add_custom_example(${example_bin} ${example_src} ${module_name})
if ((NOT ${example_bin} STREQUAL "") AND (${module_name} STREQUAL "grove"))
set(grove_module_path "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${example_name}")
if (EXISTS ${grove_module_path})
target_link_libraries (${example_bin} ${example_name})
message (WARNING "Ignored ${example_bin}")
# UPM c include directories
include_directories (${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include
# Set the mraa include and link directories prior to adding examples
include_directories (${MRAA_INCLUDE_DIRS})
link_directories (${MRAA_LIBDIR})
# If your sample source file matches the name of the module it tests, add it here
# Exceptions are as follows:
# string after first '-' is ignored (e.g. nrf24l01-transmitter maps to nrf24l01)
# mq? will use module gas
# grove* will use module grove
add_example (hmc5883l)
add_example (led)
add_example (groveled)
add_example (relay)
add_example (groverelay)
add_example (light)
add_example (grovelight)
add_example (temperature)
add_example (grovetemp)
add_example (button)
add_example (grovebutton)
add_example (rotary)
add_example (groverotary)
add_example (slide)
add_example (groveslide)
add_example (buzzer)
add_example (nrf24l01-transmitter)
add_example (nrf24l01-receiver)
add_example (nrf24l01-broadcast)
add_example (hcsr04)
add_example (max44000)
add_example (mma7455)
add_example (st7735)
add_example (max31855)
add_example (bmpx8x)
add_example (stepmotor)
add_example (pulsensor)
add_example (mic)
add_example (mpu9150)
add_example (maxds3231m)
add_example (max31723)
add_example (max5487)
add_example (nrf8001-broadcast)
add_example (nrf8001-helloworld)
add_example (lpd8806)
add_example (mlx90614)
add_example (ecs1030)
add_example (mq2)
add_example (mq3)
add_example (mq4)
add_example (mq5)
add_example (mq6)
add_example (mq7)
add_example (mq8)
add_example (mq9)
add_example (tp401)
add_example (tcs3414cs)
add_example (th02)
add_example (ttp223)
add_example (lsm303)
add_example (joystick12)
add_example (lol)
add_example (tsl2561)
add_example (htu21d)
add_example (mpl3115a2)
add_example (ldt0028)
add_example (am2315)
add_example (itg3200)
add_example (enc03r)
add_example (adc121c021)
add_example (ds1307)
add_example (a110x)
add_example (gp2y0a)
add_example (moisture)
add_example (grovemoisture)
add_example (ehr)
add_example (groveehr)
add_example (ta12200)
add_example (grovelinefinder)
add_example (linefinder)
add_example (vdiv)
add_example (grovevdiv)
add_example (water)
add_example (grovewater)
add_example (guvas12d)
add_example (mpr121)
add_example (yg1006)
add_example (wt5001)
add_example (ppd42ns)
add_example (mq303a)
add_example (speaker)
add_example (grovespeaker)
add_example (rfr359f)
add_example (biss0001)
add_example (rotaryencoder)
add_example (adxl345)
add_example (rpr220)
add_example (rpr220-intr)
add_example (mma7660)
add_example (cjq4435)
add_example (adxl335)
add_example (hmtrp)
add_example (nunchuck)
add_example (otp538u)
add_example (collision)
add_example (grovecollision)
add_example (electromagnet)
add_example (groveelectromagnet)
add_example (emg)
add_example (groveemg)
add_example (o2)
add_example (groveo2)
add_example (gsr)
add_example (grovegsr)
add_example (ina132)
add_example (l298)
add_example (l298-stepper)
add_example (at42qt1070)
add_example (grovemd)
add_example (md)
add_example (grovemd-stepper)
add_example (md-stepper)
add_example (pca9685)
add_example (eldriver)
add_example (groveeldriver)
add_example (adafruitss)
add_example (adafruitms1438)
add_example (adafruitms1438-stepper)
add_example (hx711)
add_example (flex)
add_example (a110x-intr)
add_example (mhz16)
add_example (apds9002)
add_example (waterlevel)
add_example (tm1637)
add_example (zfm20)
add_example (zfm20-register)
add_example (uln200xa)
add_example (grovewfs)
add_example (wfs)
add_example (isd1820)
add_example (sx6119)
add_example (si114x)
add_example (maxsonarez)
add_example (hm11)
add_example (ht9170)
add_example (h3lis331dl)
add_example (ad8232)
add_example (grovescam)
add_example (scam)
add_example (m24lr64e)
add_example (rgbringcoder)
add_example (hp20x)
add_example (pn532)
add_example (pn532-writeurl)
add_example (lsm9ds0)
add_example (loudness)
add_example (mg811)
add_example (wheelencoder)
add_example (sm130)
add_example (gprs)
add_example (grovegprs)
add_example (lm35)
add_example (micsv89)
add_example (xbee)
add_example (urm37)
add_example (urm37-uart)
add_example (adxrs610)
add_example (bma220)
add_example (dfrph)
add_example (mcp9808)
add_example (groveultrasonic)
add_example (ultrasonic)
add_example (sx1276-lora)
add_example (sx1276-fsk)
add_example (ili9341)
add_example (nlgpio16)
add_example (ads1x15)
add_example (t3311)
add_example (hwxpxx)
add_example (h803x)
add_example (hdxxvxta)
add_example (rhusb)
add_example (apds9930)
add_example (kxcjk1013)
add_example (ssd1351)
add_example (ds1808lc)
add_example (hlg150h)
add_example (lp8860)
add_example (max44009)
add_example (si1132)
add_example (si7005)
add_example (t6713)
add_example (cwlsxxa)
add_example (teams)
add_example (apa102)
add_example (tex00)
add_example (bmi160)
add_example (smartdrive)
add_example (curieimu)
endif ()
# we need access to bacnetmstp headers too
add_example (e50hx)
add_example (t8100)
add_example (tb7300)
add_example (vcap)
endif (JPEG_FOUND)
add_example (ds2413)
add_example (ds18b20)
add_example (bmp280)
add_example (bno055)
add_example (l3gd20)
add_example (l3gd20-i2c)
add_example (bmx055)
add_example (ms5611)
add_example (nmea_gps)
add_example (mma7361)
add_example (bh1750)
add_example (hka5)
add_example (dfrorp)
add_example (dfrec)
add_example (sht1x)
add_example (ms5803)
add_example (ims)
add_example (ecezo)
add_example (mb704x)
add_example (rf22-server)
add_example (rf22-client)
add_example (mcp2515)
add_example (max30100)
add_example (sensortemplate)
add_example (p9813)
add_example (abp)
add_example (lcdks)
add_example (mmc35240)
add_example (tcs37727)
add_example (tmp006)
add_example (mma8x5x)
add_example (mag3110)
add_example (hdc1000)
add_example (bmg160)
add_example (bma250e)
add_example (bmm150)
add_example (rsc)
# These are special cases where you specify example binary, source file and module(s)
include_directories (${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src)
add_custom_example (groveled-multi-example-cxx groveled-multi.cxx grove)
add_custom_example (lcm1602-i2c-example-cxx lcm1602-i2c.cxx lcm1602)
add_custom_example (lcm1602-parallel-example-cxx lcm1602-parallel.cxx lcm1602)
add_custom_example (jhd1313m1-lcd-example-cxx jhd1313m1-lcd.cxx jhd1313m1)
add_custom_example (es08a-example-cxx es08a.cxx servo)
add_custom_example (ssd1306-oled-example-cxx ssd1306-oled.cxx lcd)
add_custom_example (ssd1308-oled-example-cxx ssd1308-oled.cxx lcd)
add_custom_example (ssd1327-oled-example-cxx ssd1327-oled.cxx lcd)
add_custom_example (eboled-example-cxx eboled.cxx lcd)
add_custom_example (mpu60x0-example-cxx mpu60x0.cxx mpu9150)
add_custom_example (ak8975-example-cxx ak8975.cxx mpu9150)
add_custom_example (mpu9250-example-cxx mpu9250.cxx mpu9150)
add_custom_example (groveledbar-example-cxx groveledbar.cxx my9221)
add_custom_example (grovecircularled-example-cxx grovecircularled.cxx my9221)
add_custom_example (temperature-sensor-example-cxx temperature-sensor.cxx "si7005;bmpx8x;bmp280")
add_custom_example (humidity-sensor-example-cxx humidity-sensor.cxx "si7005;bmp280")
add_custom_example (pressure-sensor-example-cxx pressure-sensor.cxx "bmpx8x;bmp280")
add_custom_example (co2-sensor-example-cxx co2-sensor.cxx "t6713")
add_custom_example (adc-example-cxx adc-sensor.cxx "ads1x15")
add_custom_example (light-sensor-example-cxx light-sensor.cxx "si1132;max44009")
add_custom_example (light-controller-example-cxx light-controller.cxx "lp8860;ds1808lc;hlg150h")
add_custom_example (bme280-example-cxx bme280.cxx bmp280)
add_custom_example (bmc150-example-cxx bmc150.cxx bmx055)
add_custom_example (bmi055-example-cxx bmi055.cxx bmx055)
add_custom_example (ozwdump-example-cxx ozwdump.cxx ozw)
add_custom_example (aeotecss6-example-cxx aeotecss6.cxx ozw)
add_custom_example (aeotecsdg2-example-cxx aeotecsdg2.cxx ozw)
add_custom_example (aeotecdw2e-example-cxx aeotecdw2e.cxx ozw)
add_custom_example (aeotecdsb09104-example-cxx aeotecdsb09104.cxx ozw)
add_custom_example (tzemt400-example-cxx tzemt400.cxx ozw)
add_custom_example (nmea_gps_i2c_example-cxx nmea_gps_i2c.cxx nmea_gps)
add_custom_example (mcp2515-txrx-example-cxx mcp2515-txrx.cxx mcp2515)
add_custom_example (ads1015-example-cxx ads1015.cxx ads1x15)
add_custom_example (le910-example-cxx le910.cxx uartat)
add_custom_example (speaker_pwm-example-cxx speaker_pwm.cxx speaker)
add_custom_example (ads1115-example-cxx ads1015.cxx ads1x15)

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
#include <iostream> #include <iostream>
#include <signal.h> #include <signal.h>
#include "adis16448.h" #include "adis16448.hpp"
int int
main(int argc, char **argv) main(int argc, char **argv)

View File

@ -1,172 +1,11 @@
# Extract module name from non-standard example name # Create an list of all C source files in this directory
macro(get_module_name example_name module_name) file (GLOB example_src_list RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} "*.c")
string(LENGTH ${example_name} length)
string(FIND ${example_name} "-" index)
if (${index} GREATER 1)
string(SUBSTRING ${example_name} 0 ${index} substr)
set(${module_name} ${substr})
elseif (${example_name} MATCHES "^grove")
set (${module_name} "grove")
elseif ((${example_name} MATCHES "^mq" AND ${length} EQUAL 3) OR ${example_name} STREQUAL "tp401")
set (${module_name} "gas")
set(${module_name} ${example_name})
# Set source file, include and linker settings for an example # - Handle special cases here --------------------------------------------------
# If example cannot be built, example_bin is cleared
macro(add_custom_example example_bin example_src example_module_list)
set(found_all_modules TRUE)
foreach (module ${example_module_list})
if (NOT EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${module}")
set(found_all_modules FALSE)
list(FIND MODULE_LIST ${module} index)
if (${index} EQUAL -1)
set(found_all_modules FALSE)
if (found_all_modules)
add_executable (${example_bin} ${example_src})
target_link_libraries (${example_bin} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
foreach (module ${example_module_list})
set(module_dir "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${module}")
include_directories (${module_dir})
if (${module} STREQUAL "lcd")
set(module "i2clcd")
target_link_libraries (${example_bin} ${module}-c)
message (WARNING "Ignored ${example_bin}")
set (example_bin "")
#add_example(humidity-sensor.c TARGETS si7005-c bmp280-c)
# Add specified example by name # - Create an executable for all other src files in this directory -------------
# Note special case for grove based examples foreach (_example_src ${example_src_list})
macro(add_example example_name) add_example(${_example_src} SUFFIX "-c")
set(example_src "${example_name}.c") endforeach ()
set(example_bin "${example_name}-example-c")
get_module_name(${example_name} module_name)
set(module_dir "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${module_name}")
if (EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${example_src}"
AND EXISTS ${module_dir}
AND IS_DIRECTORY ${module_dir})
add_custom_example(${example_bin} ${example_src} ${module_name})
if ((NOT ${example_bin} STREQUAL "") AND (${module_name} STREQUAL "grove"))
set(grove_module_path "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${example_name}")
if (EXISTS ${grove_module_path})
target_link_libraries (${example_bin} ${example_name})
message (WARNING "Ignored ${example_bin}")
# UPM c include directories
include_directories (${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include
# Set the mraa include and link directories prior to adding examples
include_directories (${MRAA_INCLUDE_DIRS})
link_directories (${MRAA_LIBDIR})
# If your sample source file matches the name of the module it tests, add it here
# Exceptions are as follows:
# string after first '-' is ignored (e.g. nrf24l01-transmitter maps to nrf24l01)
# mq? will use module gas
# grove* will use module grove
add_example (dfrph)
add_example (nmea_gps)
add_example (mma7361)
add_example (bh1750)
add_example (urm37)
add_example (urm37-uart)
add_example (hka5)
add_example (dfrorp)
add_example (vdiv)
add_example (mqx)
add_example (o2)
add_example (emg)
add_example (gsr)
add_example (light)
add_example (ldt0028)
add_example (joystick12)
add_example (flex)
add_example (slide)
add_example (mq303a)
add_example (m24lr64e)
add_example (mpr121)
add_example (servo)
add_example (a110x)
add_example (gp2y0a)
add_example (ttp223)
add_example (loudness)
add_example (tsl2561)
add_example (collision)
add_example (moisture)
add_example (led)
add_example (ds18b20)
add_example (dfrec)
add_example (sht1x)
add_example (water)
add_example (yg1006)
add_example (biss0001)
add_example (bmi160)
add_example (jhd1313m1)
add_example (lm35)
add_example (rotaryencoder)
add_example (rpr220)
add_example (md)
add_example (linefinder)
add_example (uln200xa)
add_example (mma7660)
add_example (buzzer)
add_example (ppd42ns)
add_example (guvas12d)
add_example (otp538u)
add_example (button)
add_example (my9221)
add_example (ms5803)
add_example (ims)
add_example (ecezo)
add_example (mb704x)
add_example (mcp2515)
add_example (max30100)
add_example (speaker)
add_example (cjq4435)
add_example (hmc5883l)
add_example (wfs)
add_example (enc03r)
add_example (nunchuck)
add_example (bno055)
add_example (bmp280)
add_example (abp)
add_example (lcdks)
add_example (bmg160)
add_example (bma250e)
add_example (bmm150)
add_example (rsc)
add_example (bmpx8x)
# Custom examples
add_custom_example (nmea_gps_i2c-example-c nmea_gps_i2c.c nmea_gps)
add_custom_example (lcm1602-i2c-example-c lcm1602-i2c.c lcm1602)
add_custom_example (lcm1602-parallel-example-c lcm1602-parallel.c lcm1602)
add_custom_example (rpr220-intr-example-c rpr220-intr.c rpr220)
add_custom_example (md-stepper-example-c md-stepper.c md)
add_custom_example (button_intr-example-c button_intr.c button)
add_custom_example (mcp2515-txrx-example-c mcp2515-txrx.c mcp2515)
add_custom_example (le910-example-c le910.c uartat)
add_custom_example (speaker_pwm-example-c speaker_pwm.c speaker)
add_custom_example (bme280-example-c bme280.c bmp280)

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
//Modified: Abhishek Malik <abhishek.malik@intel.com>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "grovemoisture.h"
#include "upm_utilities.h"
int main()
grovemoisture_context dev = grovemoisture_init(14);
int val;
if(grovemoisture_get_moisture(dev, &val) != UPM_SUCCESS){
printf("Failed to get any values from the sensor\n");
printf("Moisture Value: %d\n", val);
return 0;

View File

@ -510,6 +510,11 @@ function (UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT)
target_link_libraries (${libname} utilities-c) target_link_libraries (${libname} utilities-c)
endif() endif()
# Add include directories for C
target_include_directories (${libname} PUBLIC
## "export" the logical C lib target for the calling module's ## "export" the logical C lib target for the calling module's
## CMakeLists.txt ## CMakeLists.txt
set (libnamec ${libname} PARENT_SCOPE) set (libnamec ${libname} PARENT_SCOPE)