Previously, the C++ and C versions of this driver were separate. Now
the C++ implementation wraps the C implementation.
In addition, the C++ init() function has been deprecated. It
currently does nothing, and examples have been modified to remove it's
calls. This function will be removed in a separate release.
The examples have been further modified to update all detected devices
and print their respective temperatures, instead of only reporting the
on the first device detected.
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <>
* Grouped UPM python modules into upm directory, for example:
* Updated UPM example import statements
* Removed unused RPATH statements from UPM src CMakeLists.txt,
currently build collateral contains an explicit RPATH which
is stripped from the install collateral.
* Converted python examples to work on both python2 AND python3
* Added ctest for loading examples w/python3
* Removed returns from swig macros
* UPM python module use will change...
import pyupm_dfrph
from upm import pyupm_dfrph
import upm.pyupm_dfrph
* This commit fixes#468
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
* Moved body of each python example to main. This allows for basic
load module testing for CI
* General cleanup of python modules (crlf/tabs/prints/etc)
* Chmod'ed to 755 to allow running examples without specifying the
python interpreter
* Added ctest for loading python2/3 modules
* Added jniclasscode pragma for java swig interface files.
* Updated module to check all languages vs. a
cxx example name
* Added tests for checking python module and test loading
* Added 'make test' to travis-ci run (run ctests)
* Print a more meaningful message when not building cxx docs into
python modules
* Updated to only check java wrapper files
* ENABLED ctests for UPM
* Deleted python example - this is covered by other
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
This driver supports, and was tested with, a DS18B20 1-wire
Temperature Sensor using external power.
This device requires the use of a UART to provide access to a Dallas
1-wire bus, via a new facility supported by MRAA (once the relevant PR
is accepted), using the UartOW access class. It is important to
realize that the UART is only being used to access and control a
Dallas 1-wire compliant bus, it is not actually a UART device.
Multiple DS18B20 devices can be connected to this bus. This module
will identify all such devices connected, and allow you to access them
using an index starting at 0.
Parasitic power is not currently supported due to the very tight 10us
limit on switching a GPIO properly to supply power during certain
operations. For this reason, you should use external power for your
Setting the alarm values (Tl, Th) is also not supported, since this is
only useful when doing a 1-wire device search looking for devices in
an alarm state, a capability not yet supported in MRAA. In reality,
this is trivial to handle yourself in your application.
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <>
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>