Since these were split out from the grove lib, they need to load their
own library, ie Light now comes from
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Since these were split out from the grove lib, they need to load their
own library, ie Light now comes from
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Added the C source for the flex sensor with necessary changes to cmake,
examples, and docs.
* Renamed all files with groveslide to slide
* Replaced all instances of groveslide with slide
* Added C source for slide sensor
* Updated all cmake files
* Added C example for slide sensor
* Split out slide sensor from grove library
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Added the C source for the light sensor with necessary changes to cmake,
examples, docs.
* Renamed all files with grovelight to light
* Replaced all instances of grovelight with light
* Added C source for light sensor
* Updated all cmake files
* Added C example for light sensor
* Split out light sensor from grove library
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Added the C source for the gsr sensor with necessary changes to cmake,
examples, docs.
* Renamed all files with grovegsr to gsr
* Replaced all instances of grovegsr with gsr
* Added C source for gsr sensor
* Updated all cmake files
* Added C example for gsr sensor
* Fixed C++ threshold method from throwing on a successfull aio read
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Added the C source for the emg sensor with necessary changes to cmake,
examples, docs.
* Renamed all files with groveemg to emg
* Replaced all instances of groveemg with emg
* Added C source for emg sensor
* Updated all cmake files
* Added C example for emg sensor
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Added the C source for the O2 sensor with necessary changes to cmake,
examples, docs.
* Renamed all files with groveo2 to o2
* Replaced all instances of groveo2 with o2
* Added C source for o2 sensor
* Updated all cmake files
* Added C example for o2 sensor
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Implement a single source file for the following:
* mq2: H2/LPG/CH4/CO/alcohol/smoke/propane/etc
* mq3: Alcohol/benzine/CH4/hexane/LPG/CO
* mq4: CNG (mostly methane)
* mq5: H2/LPG/CH4/CO/alcohol
* mq6: LPG (mostly propane/butane)
* mq7: CO
* mq8: H
* mq9: CO/CH4/LPG
The documentation for these sensors notes that they do not read an exact
gas concentration. Some of the sensors have examples for how to
calibrate with a 'clean air environment' for outputing ppm, but this is
not the case for all mqx sensors. Because of this, the output can be
read as a normalized output (0.0->1.0), raw volts (normalized * aRef),
or a scaled/offset voltage.
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
* Removed unessesary spaces.
* Changed INFO to STATUS since INFO is not a cmake message
* Changed a few messages from status/info to warning.
* Fixed trailing carriage return on yuidoc execute_process.
* Removed my debug messages for CXX vs C.
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Multiple changes related to building the vdiv c source w/c example.
* Renamed GroveVdiv to vdiv (all cases) throughout source, examples,
directory names, and documentation.
* Added C source.
* Tested C sensor code on edison
* Updated CMakeLists.txt for examples-c to build from
<sensorname>-c. This was a small change to get c examples to build
for sensors in which the C++ does NOT wrap the C.
* Added C example for vdiv.
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
This module implements support for the DFRobot Analog ORP
(Oxidation/Reduction Potential) Meter.
It requires 5.0 volts, but the more accurate the voltage specified (to
the constructor), the more accurate the meter (paraphrased from the
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <>
This module implements support for the DFRobot Laser PM2.5 Sensor. It
connects to a UART at 9600 baud. This is the only baud rate
supported. It optionally supports Reset and Set/Sleep gpios as well.
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <>
These changes allow NMEA data to be read via I2C on UBLOX compliant
devices that support this capability, such as the LEA-6H based GPS
shield from DFRobot.
It adds a new init() function to the C code, and a new constructor to
the C++ code. It also adds 5 new examples for C, C++, Javascript,
Python, and Java.
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <>
This driver will serve as a generic module for grabbing NMEA data from
various GPS devices via a serial interface. ublox6 will also be
removed in favor of using this driver going forward.
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <>
This driver was developed with the DFRobot Light Sensor based on the
BH1750. It has a sensitivity of .5 to 65535 Lux. It supports
voltages from 3-5vdc and is connected via I2C.
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <>
This driver implements support for the DFRobot MMA7361 analog
accelerometer. It supports 3 axes with a selectable 1.5G and 6G
sensitivity. It is not really meant for navigation, but rather for
uses such as orientation and freefall detection.
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <>
Make sure that for all C libs, upmc-utilities is linked in. Also, do
not do this for the utilities library itself.
In addition, do not add the utilities library as a requirement for the
libupmc-utilities pkgconfig file.
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <>
This module provides support for the VK2828U7 (ublox based) GPS module
from DFRobot. It is connected via a UART, and emits NMEA data.
Ideally this data could be fed to an external library like TinyGPS to
parse the NMEA data and provide an easier method of extracting GPS
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <>
Test commit for building C UPM modules.
* Added C include directory
* Added C utilities directory
* Rename C++ upm.h -> upm.hpp to make room for C upm.h
* Added upm_mixed_module_init function to src/CMakeLists.txt. This
function takes filesnames similar to upm_module_init and does a
bit of processing before calling upm_module_init.
* Added c example directory. Changed c++ example names.
* Added dfrph implemention for testing (C++ wraps C). Added mraa
to .pc requires for dfrph. Tested against stand-alone project.
Added dfrph c example.
* Update implemention of pkg-config file generation.
* Added two cmake cache variables: BUILDCPP and BUILDFTI
* Removed src from swig_add_module calls, added libname to
swig_link_libraries calls. Shrinks swig'ed binaries by ~13%.
* Added install target in upm/CMakeLists.txt to install C header,
directory. Is this where we want this?
* C FTI header directory is include/fti
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Fixed 16-bit read code to use the correct mraa function to align with
the datasheet. Added code for dew point calculation and single function
to retreive temp, humidity, and dewpoint. Other clean up as well.
Signed-off-by: Bill Penner <>
Signed-off-by: Mihai Tudor Panu <>
Exposed call to MRAA SPI frequency for those super long strips where the clock signal will degrade and introduce glitches. Slowing down will fix it without the need for extra filtering or redrivers. Batch mode also helps since only one write per frame will be required.
Added functions that control brightness only for fade effects without the need to keep an extra copy of the pixel color map.
Signed-off-by: Mihai Tudor Panu <>