5.2 KiB
Contributing a module
In order to contribute to the project:
- The top of each source file must contain a comment block containing the license information.
- Commits must be named
<file/module>: Some decent description
. - Each commit must have a sign-off line by everyone who authored or reviewed them.
- Your new module must have an example that builds against your UPM library.
- Attempt to have some decent API documentation as described in the the @ref documentation guide.
Including the MIT license
Choosing the MIT license is preferred for the UPM repository. Below is the comment block needed at the top each source file:
* Author: <your full name>
* Copyright (c) <year> <copyright holder>
* Author: <contributing author full name - if applicable>
* Copyright (c) <year> <copyright holder>
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the MIT License which is available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Eclipse Contributor Agreement
Your contribution cannot be accepted unless you have a signed ECA - Eclipse Foundation Contributor Agreement in place.
Here is the checklist for contributions to be considered acceptable:
- Create an account at Eclipse.
- Add your GitHub user name in your account settings.
- Log into the project's portal and sign the "Eclipse ECA".
- Ensure that you sign-off your Git commits.
- Ensure that you use the same email address as your Eclipse account in commits.
- Include the appropriate copyright notice and license at the top of each file.
Your signing of the ECA will be verified by a webservice called 'ip-validation' that checks the email address that signed-off on your commits has signed the ECA. Note: This service is case-sensitive, so ensure the email that signed the ECA and that signed-off on your commits is the same, down to the case.
Creating a new sensor library using the sensortemplate
A stubbed-out sensor library is available which can be leveraged to get up-and-running quickly when writing a new sensor library. Use the shell commands below to generate collateral files for your new sensor library.
function make_new_sensor {
export SensorName=$1
# Get a lowercase version of the string
export sensorname=${SensorName,,}
# Make sure this is run from the root UPM directory
if ! grep -q 'UPM ' README.md; then echo "Please run from the root UPM directory"; return -1; fi
printf "Generating new sensor: ${SensorName}\n"
# Copy sensortemplate files to ${sensorname}
find docs/ examples/ src/ -name '*sensortemplate*' -exec bash -c 'cp -r $0 ${0/sensortemplate/${sensorname}}' {} \;
# Copy SensorTemplate files to ${SensorName}
find examples/ src/ -name '*SensorTemplate*' -exec bash -c 'cp -r $0 ${0/SensorTemplate/${SensorName}}' {} \;
# Rename sernsortemplate src files
rename "s/sensortemplate/${sensorname}/" src/${sensorname}/*
# Search/replace the new files, replacing all instances of sensortemplate
perl -p -i -e "s/SensorTemplate/${SensorName}/g" src/${sensorname}/* examples/*/*${sensorname}* examples/*/*${SensorName}*
perl -p -i -e "s/sensortemplate/${sensorname}/g" src/${sensorname}/* examples/*/*${sensorname}* examples/*/*${SensorName}*
# Remove objects starting with "//" from the new library descriptor .json file
perl -p -i -e 'BEGIN{undef $/;} s/\s+"\/\/.*?},//smg' src/${sensorname}/${sensorname}.json
# Add mynewmodule example target for java
perl -p -i -e "s/^((.*)SensorTemplateSample sensortemplate(.*))/\1\n\2${SensorName}Sample ${sensorname}\3/g" examples/java/CMakeLists.txt
# Add mynewmodule example mappings for doxygen
perl -p -i -e "s/^(.*SensorTemplateSample.*)$/\1\n${sensorname}.cxx\t${SensorName}Sample.java\t${sensorname}.js\t${sensorname}.py/g" doxy/samples.mapping.txt
# Display TODO's
printf "Generation complete for sensor library: ${SensorName}\n"
printf "TODO's:\n"
printf "\t1. Update src/hdr files: src/${sensorname}/${sensorname}.hpp src/${sensorname}/${sensorname}.cxx\n"
printf "\t\tChange the Author\n"
printf "\t\tChange the Copyright\n"
printf "\t\tUpdate all doxygen tags (follow directions for @tags)\n"
printf "\t2. Update examples: examples/*/${sensorname}.* examples/java/*${SensorName}*.java\n"
printf "\t3. Overwrite docs/images/${sensorname}.png with a valid image of your sensor\n"
# Call make_new_sensor with your new sensor name, example: 'MyNewSensor1234'
make_new_sensor MyNewSensor1234
Once all files have been created, they can be used as a starting-point for your new library. They will need additional customization (your name/email address, documentation, sensor images, etc).