Updated UPM cmake to build both python2/3 modules if the necessary python libs are available. * Removed BUILDPYTHON3 cmake option in favor of building both versions * Added cmake module to find both python2 and python3 * Added macro which can be called from per-sensor cmake files to add dependency libraries via target_link_libraries as well as swig_link_libraries (for java, nodejs, and python) * Python2 is required for python documentation builds * Cleanup of python usage throughout UPM cmakelists. * Make find_package for Node required. Removed check for NODE_FOUND (which should have been NODEJS_FOUND) in favor of REQUIRED. * The cxx and .py wrapper files get generated in python2/3 (instead of the same directory). It appears these files are identical, however since the targets can be built in parallel it's safer to split them out. * Updated all cmake dependencies related to building documentation. * Removed unused classname from cmake files Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <noel.eck@intel.com>
UPM (Useful Packages & Modules) Sensor/Actuator repository for MRAA
The UPM repository provides software drivers for a wide variety of commonly used sensors and actuators. These software drivers interact with the underlying hardware platform (or microcontroller), as well as with the attached sensors, through calls to MRAA APIs.
Programmers can access the interfaces for each sensor by including the sensor’s corresponding header file and instantiating the associated sensor class. In the typical use case, a constructor initializes the sensor based on parameters that identify the sensor, the I/O protocol used and the pin location of the sensor.
C++ interfaces have been defined for the following sensor/actuator types, but they are subject to change:
- Light controller
- Light sensor
- Temperature sensor
- Humidity sensor
- Pressure sensor
- Gas sensor
- Analog to digital converter
The developer community is encouraged to help expand the list of supported sensors and actuators and provide feedback on interface design.
A sensor/actuator is expected to work as such (here is the MMA7660 accelerometer API):
// Instantiate an MMA7660 on I2C bus 0
upm::MMA7660 *accel = new upm::MMA7660(MMA7660_I2C_BUS,
// place device in standby mode so we can write registers
// enable 64 samples per second
// place device into active mode
while (shouldRun)
int x, y, z;
accel->getRawValues(&x, &y, &z);
cout << "Raw values: x = " << x
<< " y = " << y
<< " z = " << z
<< endl;
float ax, ay, az;
accel->getAcceleration(&ax, &ay, &az);
cout << "Acceleration: x = " << ax
<< "g y = " << ay
<< "g z = " << az
<< "g" << endl;
Browse through the list of all examples.
Multi-sensor samples for the starter and specialized kits can be found in the iot-devkit-samples repository.
Supported Sensors
Supported sensor list from API documentation.
You can also refer to the Intel® IoT Developer Zone.
IDE Integration
If you would like to create projects and run the UPM samples using an Intel recommended IDE, please refer to the Intel Developer Zone IDE page.
Building UPM
See building documentation here.
Making your own UPM module
Porting link has more information on making new UPM modules.
There is also an example available gfor max31855 sensor.
Guide on creating Java bindings.
Naming conventions and rules for new UPM contributions
Before you begin development, take a look at our naming conventions.
Also, please read the guidelines for contributions to UPM.
Don't forget to check the documentation section.
Make sure you add yourself as an author on every new code file submitted. If you are providing a fix with significant changes, feel free to add yourself as a contributor. Signing-off your commits is mandatory.
API Documentation
API Compatibility
Even if we try our best not to, every once in a while we are forced to modify our API in a way that will break backwards compatibility. If you find yourself unable to compile code that was working fine before a library update, make sure you check the API changes section first.
NOTE - Our C++ header files changed extension from .h to .hpp!
Version changelog here.
Known Limitations
List of known limitations here.