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Writing sensor documentation
It is highly encouraged to provide at least some basic documentation for the sensors that you want to add to UPM:
- Try to have no warnings in doxygen, this is generally fairly easy.
- Have the specific sensor manufacturer/model & version that you used, if you support multiple versions please list.
- Simple comments do not need full stops
- Stick to <80 chars per line even in comments
- No text is allowed on the same line as the start or end of a comment /** */
New libraries must have the "@brief", "@defgroup" and "@ingroup" tags in one block. This usually follows the namespace and it is common to have one sensor per library.
Here's how this looks (disregard the "@verbatim" tags in your actual code):
* @brief Short description for entire library
* @defgroup <name> <libupm-name>
* @ingroup <manufacturer> <connection type> <sensor category> (<addl group>)
If you have multiple classes or sensors per library, only use the "@ingroup" tags that are common for all of them.
All classes should then have a "@brief", "@ingroup" and "@snippet". For single sensor libraries this block can follow immediately after the one above like in this example:
* @brief Short class/sensor description
* Then add a longer
* description here.
* @ingroup <name> (<addl group>)
* @image html <name.jpeg>
* @snippet <name.cxx> Interesting
Libraries with multiple sensors can add specific "@ingroup" tags here, but make sure that the first one is the name specified in the library "@defgroup" tag. Also, add this block to every sensor. An example of such a library for reference is our libupm-i2clcd, which acts as a driver for multiple I2C LCDs.
Optionally, a small representative image can be placed in the "docs/images" subfolder. Please do not use existing, copyrighted images with your sensors!
The example should have an 'Interesting' section which will be highlighted as a code sample in doxygen. Everything in between such tags will show up in the class documentation when "@snippet" is added at the end of a class docstring. Tags use this format:
//! [Interesting]
...example code here...
//! [Interesting]
Existing groups that can be used for the manufacturer, connection and category tags are found in the src/upm.h file.
For more examples take a look at the existing headers in our github repository.