2018-11-07 21:32:23 +00:00

UPM Website Build Status

GitHub Pages URL: https://upm.mraa.io


Prepare Dev Environment:

  • Run npm install, in the same directory as the code. This will install all the dependencies automatically
  • Run bundler install to install Gems dependencies automatically

Gulp Tasks:

  1. gulp clean: to clean local build directories and resources
  2. gulp build: to generate the build for production using _config.yml, deploys to /_site
  3. gulp build:local: to generated the build using _config_dev.yml
  4. gulp serve: runs the app locally, using the _config_dev.yml file


  • Urls defined for fetching images, source code, and apis
  • Whenever there are changes in facets.json/sensordetail.json files, increment the value in ajaxVersion to refresh the cache
  • Whenever there are changes in css/js resources, increment the value in resourceVersion to refresh the cache


  • Set paths.sensorDataSrc to the root of UPM /src

Static Content:

  • The sensor data is kept under /_assets/content/sensorDetail.json To generate this file with jq and latest upm sources use:
    find upm/src/ -iname "*.json" | sort | xargs jq -s -c '.' >sensorDetail.json
  • The facets data is kept under /_assets/content/facets.json
  • If images are missing, copy it over from _assets/gulp_config/images to _/site/assets/images


  • _config_dev.yml has configurable properties for local
  • _config.yml has properties for production deployment
  • CNAME corresponds to the mapped cname in DNS provider

Site Deployment using Travis CI

Documentation can be found here

UPM is a high level repository that provides software drivers for a wide variety of commonly used sensors and actuators. These software drivers interact with the underlying hardware platform through calls to MRAA APIs.
Readme MIT 33 MiB
C++ 47.7%
C 46.4%
CMake 2.3%
SWIG 1.9%
Python 0.6%
Other 1.1%