FindNpm REQUIRE functionality was not provided by FindNpm.cmake.
UpdatedUpdated FindNpm to extract version, global node_modules
directory, and to fail if REQUIRE was set and npm was not found.
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Removed the per-target install component in favor of a limited set of
insinstall components.
Available install components are: "upm" "upm-dev" "upm-java"
"upm-nodejs" "upm-python2" "upm-python3"
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
This commit adds node based tests provided by Nico to the ctest
framework already established in UPM.
Signed-off-by: Abhishek Malik <>
* Use docker images from docker hub instead of building them on Travis
* Fix doxygen warnings for Markdown Files
* Modify Travis build matrix to include stages and additional jobs
* Add doxygen2jsdoc submodule
* Add doxyport submodule
* Remove duplicated code in doxy/node directory
* Generate documentation for each language in Travis
Signed-off-by: Nicolas Oliver <>
Small change - updated from PATHS to HINTS. Search HINTS paths first to
provide location for mraa libraries.
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Setting the arch to native for arm.* should not generally be necessary.
If this is absolutely required, it can be passed manually. Setting
-march=native seems to fail on some versions of gnu gcc for arm.
Removed the force to -march=native in favor of letting cmake set the
If at some point, this would be required, a better way would be to add
the compile flag after testing if it is supported.
upm_add_compile_flags(CXX "-march=native")
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
* Updated pom file generation: Generate pom files after all sensor
library targets have been created - allows for dependencies
* Changes for compiling on Android
* Check for mraa build options: Look at symbols in mraa library to
determine UPM build options (example: mraa_iio_init, mraa_firmata_init)
* Add per target summary for C/C++/java/nodejs/python
* Added hierarchy to fti include directory...
old: #include "upm_voltage.h"
new: #include "fti/upm_voltage.h"
* Removed unimplemented methods from mpu9150 library and java example
* Add utilities-c target for all c examples. Most of the C examples
rely on the upm_delay methods. Add a dependency on the utilities-c
target for all c examples.
* Updated the examples/CMakeLists.txt to add dependencies passed via
TARGETS to the target name parsed from the example name. Also updated
the interface example names to start with 'interfaces'.
* Updated src/examples/CMakeLists.txt to ALWAYS remove examples from the
example_src_list (moved this from end of function to beginning).
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
* Renamed version.c to version.hpp
* Updated CMakelist file
* Updated upm.i file to support version
* Updated/modified src Cmakelists to support base upm and wrapper dependency
Signed-off-by: sisinty sasmita patra <>
Updated the examples to comprehend transitive dependencies. This means
that each example target will no longer have a giant list of -I includes
(the examples at the end of the list had includes for all previous
examples, upwards of 200 -I's on the command line).
* Created a CMakeLists.txt in the upm/examples directory, moved
common functionality to this level.
* C/C++ examples now look to the filename for their dependency
target name, ie; gas-mq2.cxx adds a dependency to the 'gas' target
* Updated a handful of C/C++ example names to reflect this
* Example CMake flow - glob the list of files, add targets for any
special case examples, then att targets for all the rest
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Updated cmake to use strip the full path to the base UPM directory
from generated documentation. This removes the build server full-
path from UPM documentation.
Old html:
upm: /iotdk/jenkins/workspace/upm-doc-stable/src/moisture/moisture.h File Reference
New html:
upm: src/moisture/moisture.h File Reference
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
A handful of modules do not require mraa. Captured this in
src/CMakeLists.txt - only add mraa dependency for targets which
upm_module_init(mraa ... )
upm_mixed_module_init(... REQUIRES mraa)
All sensors which use UPM interfaces (src/interfaces) now
explicitly add the interfaces target:
upm_module_init(interfaces ... )
upm_mixed_module_init(... REQUIRES interfaces)
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Moved require for Java/JNI/mraajava to top-level CMakeLists.txt
which will fail early if these are NOT found (vs failing in
the src-level CMakeLists.txt
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
The java examples will now build if BUILDSWIGJAVA=on and
BUILDEXAMPLES=on. This is similar to the C/C++ examples.
* Updated docs
* Updated travis-ci
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
* Removed -dirty
* Also removed redundant set(PACK_PACKAGE_VERSION ...
since the first gets overwritten by the second
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Fixed a problem where the C/CXX compile flags were getting
overwritten. Fixed warnings in a few sensor drivers.
This commit fixes#485
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
* CMake option to enable -Werror as default
* Change to make sure all cxx examples have correct target name
* Added PUBLIC CXX compiler flags to ads1x15 and ozw targets to
work around compiler warnings
* Renamed cmake variable for compiler warnings
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
The UPM ctests require python which will fail cmake configure if not
available. Defaulting to OFF for now.
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Added C/CXX warning messages similar to MRAA (w/ -Werror).
* Added syslog warning for missing switch cases
* Cleaned up uint vs int usage
* Fixed redifinition errors for C structs
* Added virtual destructors for base classes
* Removed redundant CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS from COMPILE_FLAGS for all three
wrapper languages. The CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS were showing up twice in
the compile commands for the wrappers.
* Added CMake WERROR option to enable/disable warnings as errors for
all targets.
* Disable a handful of compiler warnings for the wrapper cxx files,
this minimizes the number of warnings from auto-generated code).
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
There is a case where git_describe was returning 'HEAD-HASH-NOTFOUND'
which missed the STREQUAL check and VERSION was set incorrectly.
Changed the STREQUAL to a MATCH on -NOTFOUND. In this way, any of the
-NOTFOUND returns change the version to dirty.
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
The DetectPython cmake script now outputs a default python executable.
Updated other cmake scripts to use this concept. Used default where
python2/3 will work, use explicit PYTHON2/3_EXECUTABLE where an
explicit version is needed. Also, fail if python is required and NO
version of python was found.
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Updated UPM cmake to build both python2/3 modules if the necessary
python libs are available.
* Removed BUILDPYTHON3 cmake option in favor of building both
* Added cmake module to find both python2 and python3
* Added macro which can be called from per-sensor cmake files
to add dependency libraries via target_link_libraries as well
as swig_link_libraries (for java, nodejs, and python)
* Python2 is required for python documentation builds
* Cleanup of python usage throughout UPM cmakelists.
* Make find_package for Node required. Removed check for NODE_FOUND
(which should have been NODEJS_FOUND) in favor of REQUIRED.
* The cxx and .py wrapper files get generated in python2/3 (instead
of the same directory). It appears these files are identical,
however since the targets can be built in parallel it's safer to split
them out.
* Updated all cmake dependencies related to building documentation.
* Removed unused classname from cmake files
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
* Moved CMAKE_MODULE_PATH append hier in top-level CMakeLists file
so that it's before all calls to find_package.
* Added pkg_check_modules for BACNET, MODBUS, JPEG, and OPENZWAVE
to top-level CMakeLists file.
* Removed pkg_check_modules from individual sensor libraries.
* Simplified SWIG find_package call - require 3.0.5 for all SWIG
* Moved options to beginning of top-level CMakeLists.
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
* Removed unessesary spaces.
* Changed INFO to STATUS since INFO is not a cmake message
* Changed a few messages from status/info to warning.
* Fixed trailing carriage return on yuidoc execute_process.
* Removed my debug messages for CXX vs C.
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Test commit for building C UPM modules.
* Added C include directory
* Added C utilities directory
* Rename C++ upm.h -> upm.hpp to make room for C upm.h
* Added upm_mixed_module_init function to src/CMakeLists.txt. This
function takes filesnames similar to upm_module_init and does a
bit of processing before calling upm_module_init.
* Added c example directory. Changed c++ example names.
* Added dfrph implemention for testing (C++ wraps C). Added mraa
to .pc requires for dfrph. Tested against stand-alone project.
Added dfrph c example.
* Update implemention of pkg-config file generation.
* Added two cmake cache variables: BUILDCPP and BUILDFTI
* Removed src from swig_add_module calls, added libname to
swig_link_libraries calls. Shrinks swig'ed binaries by ~13%.
* Added install target in upm/CMakeLists.txt to install C header,
directory. Is this where we want this?
* C FTI header directory is include/fti
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
This will ensure that all src modules are scanned first before
examples (c++/java).
In certain cases when doing parallel builds with many cores (8), the
examples for MODBUS, BACNET, and OPENZWAVE would not be built, since
their dependant libraries had not yet been located (in the src/
dir(s) via pkg_check_modules()), by the time the examples were being
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <>
There were api changes for iio kernel support on mraa which cascade to
UPM - setting the minimum version of mraa required.
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>