Default to MONOTONIC clock for timer methods to avoid falling victim to
clock corrections. Changed signatures from accepting pointers since
this is not needed an complicates calls and Java/JS/Python bindings.
* Switched from nanosleep to clock_nanosleep to allow developers to
provide a clock for LINUX
* Default upm_clock_init to CLOCK_MONOTONIC
* Updated logic to calculating delay and elapsed to be more readable
* Added ns flavors for completeness
* Refactored all upm_* delay/timer methods
* Added #else for preprocessor cases w/o an #else
* Added test for AQI
* Added test fixture with logic to identify a minimum delay time
which is used as a metric for testing all delay methods
* Much more lenient unit testing of delays to minimize false CI
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Added Google Test for unit testing. Currently NOT required by UPM
* Added a test fixture for the utilities library.
* Fixed bug in delay methods provided by utilities library.
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
This commit moves common SWIG syntax to a ${libname}.i for sensor
libraries. Much of the swig content was originally duplicated for
each wrapper language which has lead to inconsistencies between wrappers
over time. This commit moves all swig syntax to a common file. Language
specific swig syntax can be added with #ifdef SWIG<LANGUAGE>.
The src/CMakeLists.txt will look first for a language-specific .i file,
then fall back to ${libname}.i. In this way, it's possible to override
the common ${libname}.i file. If a fallback .i file does NOT exist,
UPM CMake will generate a simple interface file for all languages.
If no src/abp/pyupm_abp.i and no src/abp/abp.i then
generate ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/abp.i
When src/CMakeLists.txt uses a common ${libname}.i, it adds a -module
<language>upm_${libname} to the swig command line.
In the example below, a -module argument is provided for both Java and
Javascript, while the python module takes all syntax from pyupm_abp.i.
SWIG FILE Language CMake added SWIG args
--------------- ---------- ---------------------
src/abp/abp.i java -module javaupm_abp
src/abp/abp.i javascript -module jsupm_abp
src/abp/pyupm_abp.i python
This commit removes ~4500 redundant lines for the UPM repository and
helps promote uniformity for the SWIG'ed languages.
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Fixed the table.
Update the link of reference document.
Signed-off-by: Rex Tsai (蔡志展) <>
Signed-off-by: Abhishek Malik <>
Since src/utilities now builds a C/C++ library, other targets which were
using symbols from utilities now need to include the correct target
dependency. This is mainly for upm_delay* functions. Added utilities-c
target to all sensor library CMakeLists.txt which require it.
Moved macro for __FILENAME__ from upm_utilities.h to upm_fti.h since
ONLY the FTI headers used this.
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
* Updated pom file generation: Generate pom files after all sensor
library targets have been created - allows for dependencies
* Changes for compiling on Android
* Check for mraa build options: Look at symbols in mraa library to
determine UPM build options (example: mraa_iio_init, mraa_firmata_init)
* Add per target summary for C/C++/java/nodejs/python
* Added hierarchy to fti include directory...
old: #include "upm_voltage.h"
new: #include "fti/upm_voltage.h"
* Removed unimplemented methods from mpu9150 library and java example
* Add utilities-c target for all c examples. Most of the C examples
rely on the upm_delay methods. Add a dependency on the utilities-c
target for all c examples.
* Updated the examples/CMakeLists.txt to add dependencies passed via
TARGETS to the target name parsed from the example name. Also updated
the interface example names to start with 'interfaces'.
* Updated src/examples/CMakeLists.txt to ALWAYS remove examples from the
example_src_list (moved this from end of function to beginning).
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
In an effort to clean-up and standardize UPM library
documentation, this commit updates (and in most cases,
unifies) the CMake description string AND CXX header
@comname string.
Strings were taken from datasheets when possible, spelling
mistakes were addressed, copy/paste errors where fixed,
Title Case was used, etc.
* Tested/updated/added @web tags
* Added/updated invalid sensor images
* Added/updated @man tags, added missing manufacturers
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
In certain systems, where -std=c11 is used, certain posix extensions
are disabled unless specifically enabled. On these systems, this
could cause usleep() and/or nanosleep() to fail with an implicit
declaration warning. This patch ensures that at least POSIX 200809 is
used, if otherwise undefined.
This should fix Issue #513.
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <>
usleep() has been deprecated, and can cause compile problems on never
glibc versions (debian jesse). We now use nanosleep() on linux
systems to implement delays.
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <>
- Fixed the Zephyr kernel version checks to check for 0.1.6 rather
than 1.6.0.
- fixed the k_timer implementation to actually work. None of these
were being called correctly.
- due to the fact that the k_timer API only has a 1ms resolution,
re-implement upm_delay_us() (on 0.1.6 version of zephyr) as a busy
loop using a upm_clock_t.
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <>
The new clock functions provide a mechanism for measuring durations in
the ms (millisecond) or us (microsecond) range, in a platform
independant manner.
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <>
This commit touches a subset of UPM sensors which contain C source.
Cleaned up the CMakeLists.txt DESCRIPTION field to better represent
the library.
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
In certain cases with the Arduino 101/Zephyr, using the upm_delay*()
functions can cause hangs and/or exceptions. Adding a single tick to
the generated offset resolves these issues.
The documentation warns that this is a good idea to ensure that a
timer does not expire early. Adding this made the random hangs and
CPU exceptions go away.
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <>
Test commit for building C UPM modules.
* Added C include directory
* Added C utilities directory
* Rename C++ upm.h -> upm.hpp to make room for C upm.h
* Added upm_mixed_module_init function to src/CMakeLists.txt. This
function takes filesnames similar to upm_module_init and does a
bit of processing before calling upm_module_init.
* Added c example directory. Changed c++ example names.
* Added dfrph implemention for testing (C++ wraps C). Added mraa
to .pc requires for dfrph. Tested against stand-alone project.
Added dfrph c example.
* Update implemention of pkg-config file generation.
* Added two cmake cache variables: BUILDCPP and BUILDFTI
* Removed src from swig_add_module calls, added libname to
swig_link_libraries calls. Shrinks swig'ed binaries by ~13%.
* Added install target in upm/CMakeLists.txt to install C header,
directory. Is this where we want this?
* C FTI header directory is include/fti
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>