DS1808 is a general purpose potentiometer but this implementation
is limited to controlling brightness of custom LED lighting hardware.
Ideally there should be a DS1808 module used by a seperate
lighting module.
Signed-off-by: Henry Bruce <henry.bruce@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Abhishek Malik <abhishek.malik@intel.com>
This driver has been rewritten to support some new functionality, be
more generic and fix up some old bugs. Multiple MY9221's can now be
chained together and are supported by the MY9221 base class.
In addition, the Grove LED Bar and Grove Circular LED drivers have
been incoporated into the my9221 library, using the new MY9221 class
as their base class. Examples have been fixed to work with the new
library, and renamed where needed.
The current grovecircularled driver has been removed as it is now a
part of the my9221 library.
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <jtrulson@ics.com>
Signed-off-by: Mihai Tudor Panu <mihai.tudor.panu@intel.com>
ISR support for Java bindings needs iio.c Runnable implementation in MRAA. Might be possible to leverage working implementation for GPIO.
Signed-off-by: Mihai Tudor Panu <mihai.tudor.panu@intel.com>
This driver provides support for the ILI9341 LCD driver via SPI (e.g.
Adafruit 2.8" TFT LCD).
It was implemented and tested on the Edison.
Signed-off-by: Shawn Hymel
Signed-off-by: Mihai Tudor Panu <mihai.tudor.panu@intel.com>
The driver implements support for the Omega RH-USB Humidity Probe with
Temperature sensor. It connects via an integrated USB cable, and
appears as a serial port.
It does not currently work with Edison (as of this date) due to
missing ftdi_sio and usbserial kernel support.
It was implemented and tested on the Galileo 2.
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <jtrulson@ics.com>
Signed-off-by: Mihai Tudor Panu <mihai.tudor.panu@intel.com>
This module implements support for the Veris HWXPHTX Hardware Protocol
Humidity and Temperature Sensor family. It uses MODBUS over an RS485
This module was developed using libmodbus 3.1.2, and the Veris HWXPHTX.
This sensor supports humidity, and optionally, temperature, slider
switch, and override switch reporting. The HWXPHTX used to develop
this driver did not include the optional slider or override switches,
however support for them is provided.
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <jtrulson@ics.com>
Signed-off-by: Mihai Tudor Panu <mihai.tudor.panu@intel.com>
This driver was developed using the Veris HD2NVSTA1 humidity
transmitter. The 'T' variant supports a temperature transmitter as
well. Both signals are provided by the device as analog 0-5Vdc or
0-10Vdc outputs.
The A1 variant supports a temperature range of -40C-50C, while the A2
variant supports a range of 0C-50C. Humidity ranges for all devices
in this device family range from 0% to 100% (non-condensing).
Temperature measurement can be disabled by passing -1 as the
temperature analog pin to the constructor.
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <jtrulson@ics.com>
Signed-off-by: Mihai Tudor Panu <mihai.tudor.panu@intel.com>
This module implements support for the Comet System T3311 Temperature
and Humidity transmitter. It uses MODBUS over an RS232 serial port.
You must have libmodbus v3.1.2 (or greater) installed to compile and
use this driver.
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <jtrulson@ics.com>
Signed-off-by: Mihai Tudor Panu <mihai.tudor.panu@intel.com>
Initial commit of ADS1x15 adc converter. Support for both ADS1015 12 bit
and ADS1115 16 bit adc.
Signed-off-by: Marc Graham <marc@m2ag.net>
Signed-off-by: Mihai Tudor Panu <mihai.tudor.panu@intel.com>
This is a USB device from Numato Labs that is accessed via a UART. It
provides 16 GPIO's, 7 of which can be configured as analog inputs.
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <jtrulson@ics.com>
Signed-off-by: Mihai Tudor Panu <mihai.tudor.panu@intel.com>
Otherwise, we generate an exception. This should fix Issue #172:
Signed-off-by: Zion Orent <zorent@ics.com>
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <jtrulson@ics.com>
Signed-off-by: Mihai Tudor Panu <mihai.tudor.panu@intel.com>